Property Invasion, Damages, Trespass Arrested? Im not sure

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Im an 18 year old National Guardsmen living in Colorado. About a month ago I was taken in under some ridiculous circumstances. Im totally new to the legal process, ive never commited a crime, or even been caught speeding, nor has anybody close to me had anything legal in the last 40 years (no advice anywhere)

Let me give a summary (sorry for the long post ahead of time, I would however really really appreciate any help, skip to the end for some questions if you dont want to read)

I picked up one of my friends (Alex, 17) late at night from his buddys house (he has no transportation), he needed some school supplies he let another friend borrow so we drove over to their house. We spent probably a couple hours there talking to his friend and his friends mother, playing the piano, discussing movies and such. After he had received the supplies we headed out, usually we drive around and talk, looking for anything interesting to do. I had a meeting with one of my Sgt's in the morning to see if I had improved my run times, Alex knew this and started to harass me about how he thought I was too lazy to run. I challanged him and we pulled over at the first area with a running path nearby. We ran/jog/walked for well over an hour or two talking most of the time (rather then burning gas). When we were headed back to the car we both noticed the doors were all open and the interior lights on. I wanted to approach and question whoever was there or check if they were still in the area, he wanted to head to his work a mile or two away to get to a phone (his phone was in the car). We argued for a minute, he didnt want to walk alone to his work thinking we had been robbed or something of that sort so I went with him, we got maybe 50 meters up a street when an officer pulled around the corner

Officer A (I have no idea what his name was) stepped on the gas and got up close to us, orderd us to halt. He said 'get on your knees, keep your hands where I can see them'. I asked him what was going on, he replied I needed to shut up because I knew exactly what was going on. I asked again, he said you two dont talk while I get more officers here. When they had 3 or 4 cars there they put both of us in cuffs, and seperated us. They asked our names, and what we were doing, along with talking to one another. I lay on the hood of the car (about 110 degrees for the 20 minutes), eventually asked to get up and was told to sit on a bumper next to Alex. They then put all their spot lights on us, a 4th and 5th car pulled up, one apparently had a witness of something. All the spotlights were on us so we couldnt see anything, I would say by now it was well after midnight. They said look at these two, did they do it?. I think he then described what we looked like to the officers while looking at us, they drove him away. We were orderd into the back of one car (I dont know why we couldnt take two with so many there) and told we couldnt talk or there would be trouble. Officer B (female) started to drive us somewhere, I asked where we were going and was told not to talk. Then she asked a few seconds later if they could search my car (I told them the black one WAS mine while they were asking questions earlier). I told her she really needed to tell me what was going on and what we are being arrested for before I would answer her question, she said we were inside a building running around or something like that, then asked again to search. They already went through the car, so I said 'No' (and the cop on the radio said 'Iiiintersting.... ')

We arrived at the station, and were taken in one at a time so as not to talk or something. I was put in a room obviousally meant for planning, and was told th ats because the other one was a mess. Alex was put 10 feet away in another room (main entrance hallway actually). The officers asked more questions (do you have a phone, who are you, is that your car). Alex was asked to call his parents, but he didnt have the phone, it was in the car, it clearly pissed off the officers and they became very hostile that I wouldnt let them take things from my car. One of the officers apparently suffering from schizophrenia played the good cop/bad cop on his own. Asking me if I needed anything, I replied water (I was in a heavy dress coat, and was on a hot car, then in the back of a car all this time) and maybe you could loosen my cuffs, he told me to shut up, stop talking, and not look out the door (the wall is a clear glass wall... I could see anywhere anyways). They moved me a few times, im not sure why, maybe just to keep busy (same room diff seats). Finally an officer came in and said they would like to question me, I told them I would be happy to talk.

Another officer (Officer B, female) came in the room and had a pad, a pen, and a piece of paper. It had my rights written on it, I initialed every line as told and sighned it for them. Then the asking started, it was all trick questions, "Why were you in the building", "Tell us when you left the building", "How did you get outside", "Why were you outside after being in the building", "Were you running from the building". Anything to get a yes, but I was sure to listen and didnt fall for any of their games. I told my story as it happened, one officer took some notes (Officer B) while they both questioned me over and over again. He then told me things would get ugly if I didnt talk, and I would have alot of problems in court, unless I admitted to it now. I asked for a lawyer, and he said 'thats fine, cause now we dont want to talk to you' and left. he came back a minute later and asked if I wanted to talk still and I siad yes, so he asked pretty much the same dumb questions and started to call me a liar so I asked for a lawyer again and he said he didnt want to talk to me ... again. I said I would like a lawyer anyways, reagardless of if he wanted to talk and he walked out.

Alexs parents arrived after a long pause (Russians, really dont know the area that well, or the language). They asked his parents if they could talk to Alex, they must have said yes because I was put in the hallway and they put alex in the room. He told the same story probably damn near exact, cause they came out even more angry. They started to question me again while being outside, telling me I could say I wasnt with him the whole time and he could have done it, kept asking if I was with him. I was, so I told them the truth that we were always side by side that night. They let Alex go, with his parents, telling him I was going to jail now because he wouldnt admit it

I had my picture taken (Full body, 4 sides), they got put in a car and taken to the booking station to get my picture taken, and prints and such taken (they couldnt get the machine to take some of my prints so they ignored it...). I got put in a nice small orange jumpsuit and put in a cell with 4 or 5 other guys. Eventually they let me out and told me to get dressed, I was then driven to my car. I was given a blue piece of paper with some information on it, They checked a box that says 'CRS 18-4-503 CRIMINAL TRESPASS - 2ND DEGREE'. He told me I was supposidly reported in a building (it was across the street, there is like a rocky ditch a street long that seperates it, sprinklers, mud, a wall, etc. We had dress pants, shirts, shoes, jackets on... clean as could be so I dont see how its even possible) and they searched it but couldnt find anybody, and we matched a description and were in the area so he took us in. There is an area at the bottom'ish of the sheet for a description, it reads "JC (MY NAME) , DID UNLAWFULLY ENTER THE PREMISES OF MSL(Location), WHICH WERE ENCLOSED IN A MANNER TO EXCLUDE INTRUDERS." Im actually not sure if that last word is intruders or not, Ive asked 5 people and all say it looks like it so im going with it. Intudens is closer but it does not make sense at all

This sheet has a court date , TUES OCT 24 06. I know im required to show up to court, however im not sure whats going on that day.
Do I plea guilty/not guilty?
Do I need to come with a free lawyer, or do I ask for it then?
How do I get a free lawyer?
When should I have him/her?
This whole thing took forever, I had no sleep, and my performace suffered. I was up for promotion for serving my country as well as I had been, however this comming up REMOVED all chances of that (However I am now up for promotion again, for more reasons) and my weak performance that day caused enough problems this month. Now im out for blood so to speak, did the officers do anything illeagle (Searching my car, we know they did because they had to radio the guy that was there 'sitting on it still' to leave before we got there. Furthermore the alarm went off... it only goes off it it gets locked without the keys). This has been a black mark on my honor, i have been searching for jobs and have been open about being accused of trespassing and now nobody wants to hire me even though Im innocent and in the military, bills are now starting to stack up (car repairs, rent)

I was supposed to ship out, get some more training and join the fight closer to the front (Im a combat medic) but I cant leave with this date. If I plea innocent im told they will have to chose ANOTHER date and it could be more then 2 months away (as this one was) and I wont be able to defend my nation for all that time, along with miss all promotions and that sort of thing. I considerd going for a guilty plea if its just a fine or whatever but I cant have this on my record, however if I cant leave soon I wont have the money to pay anything, but if I do go for guilty then the military will come in and charge me with something, and end up destroying my future just like this is destroying my credit and life right now

What exactly should I be doing? What CAN i be doing? Any possible advice, they said they have 2 witnesses (one that found us in a building, and one that heard people running), however I know there were a couple people that saw us running because we said hello to one of them as she came home from what looked like school (alot of books anyways), however I was told to not go in the area or they can get me on a felony charge... how in the world can I find the people that saw us running now?

Thanks ahead of time
Yes ... several peopl ehave read it, but your best bet will be to consult an attorney.

To answer the question of whether this is an arrest or not really depends on why you are asking?

For instance, an "arrest" as it might pertain to Miranda violations is different than an "arrest" as it might pertain to an entry on one's state criminal history.

In most circumstances, if you are in custody and transported anywhere, you have been arrested.

If you cannot afford an attorney , call the court or the public defender's office (if one exists where you are) and find out when you might have counsel appointed.

- Carl
Thanks for your post - yes, it is a very long one. We are going to need to create a posting FAQ in addition to the one we have so it makes it easier for people to read quickly and answer questions.

To begin, calm down. Take it easy. Hopefully this issue will be resolved with minimal problems. Now your case is very detailed and we'll never get all of it here. I think you received good advice from CdwJava who mentioned that you probably want to get an attorney. But let's take a look at it what you were charged with and hopefully we'll find something that might help too. The Boulder Bar's web site states:

Trespass is divided into three crimes... Second degree criminal trespass, C.R.S. § 18-4-503, occurs when a person unlawfully enters or remains in or upon the premises of another that are enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders, or fenced, or if a person knowingly and unlawfully enters or remains in the common areas of a hotel or apartment or condominium building. Premises is defined as "real property, buildings and other improvements thereon, and stream banks and beds of any navigable streams flowing through such property." Second degree trespass is a class 3 misdemeanor, but is increased to a class 2 misdemeanor if the land has been designated agricultural land by the county assessor and further increased to a class 4 felony if the trespass onto agricultural land is accompanied by an intent to commit a crime thereon...

Now I didn't read anywhere in your story that the area was "enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders, or fenced" -- which might work to your benefit. I would think you intend to plead "not-guilty" and this might help you. Good luck with it and next time be careful where you are and always keep a clear head.

Im an 18 year old National Guardsmen living in Colorado. About a month ago I was taken in under some ridiculous circumstances. Im totally new to the legal process, ive never commited a crime, or even been caught speeding, nor has anybody close to me had anything legal in the last 40 years (no advice anywhere)

Let me give a summary (sorry for the long post ahead of time, I would however really really appreciate any help, skip to the end for some questions if you dont want to read)...

...I had my picture taken (Full body, 4 sides), they got put in a car and taken to the booking station to get my picture taken, and prints and such taken (they couldnt get the machine to take some of my prints so they ignored it...). I got put in a nice small orange jumpsuit and put in a cell with 4 or 5 other guys. Eventually they let me out and told me to get dressed, I was then driven to my car. I was given a blue piece of paper with some information on it, They checked a box that says 'CRS 18-4-503 CRIMINAL TRESPASS - 2ND DEGREE'. He told me I was supposidly reported in a building (it was across the street, there is like a rocky ditch a street long that seperates it, sprinklers, mud, a wall, etc. We had dress pants, shirts, shoes, jackets on... clean as could be so I dont see how its even possible) and they searched it but couldnt find anybody, and we matched a description and were in the area so he took us in. There is an area at the bottom'ish of the sheet for a description, it reads "JC (MY NAME) , DID UNLAWFULLY ENTER THE PREMISES OF MSL(Location), WHICH WERE ENCLOSED IN A MANNER TO EXCLUDE INTRUDERS." Im actually not sure if that last word is intruders or not, Ive asked 5 people and all say it looks like it so im going with it. Intudens is closer but it does not make sense at all
all right, thank you for the advice CdwJava and thelawprofessor. I will look for an attorney this weekend

Well for starters I have a ship date from the military, it happens to be the 15th, I need to have this resolved on or before the 13th (cutting it close, a 50/50 chance it will still interfere, I was told the 5th is as late as it can be to insure I still have the ship date). Last thing I want to do is be the shitbag of a medic who didnt ship with his unit and didnt get proper training and somebody ends up being killed because of it. Furthermore the state not sending me is costing them well over $70k, along with the airfare

The DA I got to talk to blew me off like i was some sort of joke. All attorneys informed me they didnt really want the case as it was a misdomenor , and assured me everything would be fine it would end up being a $150-200 fee and thats it. The paper in my hand informs me a guilty plea is $750, 6 months in jail, or both, in addition to all court costs. I lack the money as this has ruined my life so far, my dream job just passed me up because of this crap and I cant afford to pay any bills let alone a court fee

The DA said there was no current paperwork or reports on the case, and no paperwork on any past crimes I had commited and refused to offer me any deals or discuss the idea. I then explained I was in the military and it was urgent that this be resolved, she took me to a lady who setup a pre-court date (whatever the heck that is). She pushed it as early as she claimed she could, to 11/9/06 (3 days before I need this totally taken care of) at 9:00 AM. Im not sure why I need to wait 16 days for them to get a piece of paperwork that tells them ive never been given a speeding ticket or arrested for anything in my entire life, but apparently I do. Anyways she then informed me that the charges could be dropped then and there on that date, and totally removed, which is the only circumstance that would allow me to shipout. If not I would need to stay here for a few months while this is resolved and im found either guilty or not guilty.

Really right now im pissed off, I had a job offer with a starting wage of $26 an hour and a $4 raise at 9 months with the company, ive been told my change in status (as a 'possible criminal) im no longer expected to receive the job (and thus, if I dont shipout im going to be homeless and jobless). Bills keep comming, credit score keeps falling as they slowly start to stack, and now possibly the army is going to see my as a piece of shit for missing a shipdate, I cant even immagine whats going to happen then. Attorneys avoid me like the plauge for the simple fact this is a small misdomenor but for me its destroying my life, totally ridiculous something like this could even happen

What do you guys think I should be doing. Ive gone through alot of lists, all of the names end up being the same but I call the phone numbers anyways and am dismissed by the attorneys because they dont think this case is really all that important

I have no idea what this precourt thing is, as said I have just now been to my first legal anything really, and it's totally alien at this point. The DA's were just children and wanted to get through their apparently horrible day/job and didnt want to talk or even tell me where to look to. You guys cleared up a few things, I know there is no way for you folks to really solve my problems but any more advice or information on the process, any idea of what I need to bring to a precourt case, etc would be great. I was thinking maybe my orders to ship, but they were given to me orally and are not currently on paper (but is carved in stone so to speak), im sure if I dig far enough fast enough I can get a paper copy

Once again thanks for all you have done so far, at this point anything to help ease the mind would be great
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