Weapons, Guns, Firearms Arrested with an automatic switchblade in nyc

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I have no record and I have never been arrested, I had a automatic switchblade clipped to my pocket where a police officer saw the outside clip and so i was arrested after he inspected it and ran my ID that came back clean.

I just started working at a new job and I don't want to have a record - it says this is a Class A misdemeanor...can I come out of this without a record since I was "ignorant of the law"?
I have no record and I have never been arrested, I had a automatic switchblade clipped to my pocket where a police officer saw the outside clip and so i was arrested after he inspected it and ran my ID that came back clean.

I just started working at a new job and I don't want to have a record - it says this is a Class A misdemeanor...can I come out of this without a record since I was "ignorant of the law"?

Okay, this is something that will become nothing.
Plead not guilty.
If you can, ask the court to appoint a lawyer to represent you.
With a clean record, you'll be given deferred sentencing or a diversionary program.
It will all be explained for you eventually.
All you need to do from this point forward is do EXACTLY as your lawyer tells you.
Stay out of trouble and obey ALL the rules they set for you.
You may pay a small fine, do some community service, and let time pass.
In the end, this will all be gone.
Also I spent 2 hours in a holding cell! I mean that was quite uncomfortable - you mean I could still pay a fine/community service after enduring that.
Also I spent 2 hours in a holding cell! I mean that was quite uncomfortable - you mean I could still pay a fine/community service after enduring that.

Yes, they always want MONEY.

They also like to further humiliate and demean you.

Who knows, in NYC, they sometimes just dismiss everything if you show up on time.

Just stay out of ALL trouble and wait until you get a lawyer.
So what you are saying is that this will not get done in a day? I would come in on the set date plead "not guilty" then be assigned a lawyer by the court and then have to come back a second time? Hopefully I can get this done in 1 day since I just started by new job and they fingerprinted me on the same day the police arrested me. So my company ran their fingerprints and a flag came up so now i have a meeting with security and HR tomorrow. This thing is just shitty all round for something so seemingly benign. I mean couldn't the police officer have shown some discretion - I am an engineer dressed business casual coming from work...i'm certainly no criminal nor did I have intent.
So what you are saying is that this will not get done in a day? I would come in on the set date plead "not guilty" then be assigned a lawyer by the court and then have to come back a second time? Hopefully I can get this done in 1 day since I just started by new job and they fingerprinted me on the same day the police arrested me. So my company ran their fingerprints and a flag came up so now i have a meeting with security and HR tomorrow. This thing is just shitty all round for something so seemingly benign. I mean couldn't the police officer have shown some discretion - I am an engineer dressed business casual coming from work...i'm certainly no criminal nor did I have intent.

The red flag should not have anything to do with you being arrested since you have not been convicted of anything. You are still innocenct at this point. As far as the officer is concerned he was just doing his job....there have been a many of criminals in a suit lol.
What the hell is an automatic switchblade? Is it spring release?

Actually, in Michigan it's extremely serious. It's a concealed weapon. . .
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