As is used car from dealer


New Member
8/28/18 purcashed 04 va passat from dealer as is. Dealer flashed a piece of paper in my face stating said car was just inspected. I drove car around block and it seemed ok. Decided to purchase while driving home check engine light came on then an emergency brake fault alarm and light came on. Notified dealer when I got home and he said "car was running fine when you left a deal is a deal" Took car to certified va mechanic who informed us there are over 4k in repairs needed and car will not pass inspection. Emission is bad, turbo is bad, brake system bad, rotors, brake fluid pouring out and if that completely goes we wont have breaks. Timing belt bad and list goes on and on. He said car is unsafe to drive. He also told us that to make car appear I. Good working order dealer can top off fluids and make some adjustments. I paid 3400 and need help now as I am out all cash I had and car. Please advise
The time to get an 'As-Is' car inspected is BEFORE you sign the paperwork.

Now you own the Passat and all its problems.
Used vehicles are also required to have a passing inspection for purposes of registration. However, unlike new vehicles, starting March 1, 2016 it matters when that inspection occurred. Under "Two Steps, One Sticker" used cars which have a passing inspection may be sold without obtaining a new inspection if the inspection occurred within 180 days of the date of sale. If, on the date of sale, it has been more than 180 days since the vehicle was last inspected, the vehicle must be inspected before registration and title paperwork is submitted to the county tax office.

If the vehicle does not have a passing inspection at the time of registration, the transaction will be rejected.

Click the "WHEN DO I INSPECT?" button to identify the timeframe within which the vehicle must have passed inspection. You can also visit to find the date of the vehicle's most recent passing inspection.

You MIGHT have hope, check that website!!!

The answers you seek MIGHT be among the thousands of words you'll read, happy searching:

Car Dealer Sold a Car that Fail Inspection | What to Do?
There are also state laws regarding safety items such as brakes. Check with the state DMV licensing division. They can help you.
He said it was just inspected and I contacted the state for a copy. Mechanic says it would not have passed. We feel it was fraudulent

Does the vehicle have a current state inspection sticker on the windshield?

Our Republic of Texas offers several websites to assist a buyer in verifying things about the car under consideration to purchase, which are free to use and secure from scammers:

TXDMV.GOV - Title Check - Look before you buy

A private consumer site offers self check for consumers purchasing used cars.

This site I HIGHLY recommend to get accurate data, all for FREE to the consumer:
In Texas registration now acts as inspection so you only have 1 sticker. We dont have that yet as we are waiting on the dealer to complete transaction with state
In Texas registration now acts as inspection so you only have 1 sticker. We dont have that yet as we are waiting on the dealer to complete transaction with state

I know how registration and auto inspections work in Texas.

If you want to KNOW when the vehicle you bought LAST passed and inspection all you need to do is TYPE the VIN into the designated spot on this website.

It is free, and 100% accurate.

It will disclose information that will be very helpful to you, such as the vehicle inspection history of the vehicle in question or any vehicle you query.

Try it and let us know what you lear:

It will resemble this when you get to the website:

Search Vehicle Test History

To inquire on a vehicle's inspection history, enter a valid VIN in the applicable input field below, and click Submit.

The Texas vehicle inspection history, through the end of the previous day, will be returned for the entered VIN.



Information contained in the vehicle inspection databases cannot be edited or amended. If there are any discrepancies with your vehicle inspection history, please contact the inspection station that performed the inspection on your vehicle.

Vehicle inspection and registration requirements were combined on March 1, 2015. For information, please visit:

For more information on vehicle registration, visit the TxDMV Web site by clicking on the TxDMV image below. More information on the Texas vehicle inspection programs and requirements can be found by clicking on the DPS and TCEQ images below to visit these respective Web sites. (For these links to work, please disable your pop-up blocker.)

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