Premises Liability Assaulted, may require surgery

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I live in Detroit, MI in an apartment building owned by a certain company. Recently I was assaulted by employees of this company, namely the manager of the building, and two maintenance men. About a week ago I heard a commotion in the hallway after my friend had just left my apartment. After taking two steps into the hallway, the manager (a woman named M*******) turned on me from the other end of the hallway. She started screaming at me "GET OUT OF MY BUILDING!" and stomped towards me. When she reached me she pushed me. I said "Keep your f*cking hands of me!" and pushed her off. At which point she started swinging on me. I didn't return any blows, only dodged hers. Before I knew it, a maintenance man is squaring up with me and started swinging. Defending myself I began to throw punches of my own. When it looked like I might win the fight with the first man, a second man (also an employee) started punching me in the back of the head. I fought for as long as I could but eventually was overwhelmed and knocked out. When I could get up I got back into my apartment and locked the door, with them still pounding on it.

Seeing as this all happened for no apparent reason, I called the police. They never sent any officers or anything. I called again hours later and was told it "wasn't an emergency, so if no ambulance is required then no officers will be dispatched, you should file a report with our assault line" I inquired as to how she knew it wasn't an emergency she said "Well, your talking to me, do you want me to transfer you?" I was transferred and filed my report. Later I notice flashes of light in one eye that took the most punishment, and pain behind it. Looking online I learned that these symptoms are consistent with some kind of retinal detachment, which is a medical emergency, and I could go blind in that eye in a matter of days.

Now I'm wary to go to the ER as I have no health insurance and can't afford any surgery they might wish to perform. I'm wondering if the company which employs these individuals (convicts, history of violent crime, mentally unstable, history of substance abuse, some on parole or probation, all of which they were aware of when hiring them) and owns the property on which the incident took place faces any liability. Any advice would be paramount.
You didn't post enough information for me to draw a legal conclusion.

I would not post any more information.

If you believe you have a case, speak to a local lawyer.

If I were you, I'd speak to three or four.

Your initial consultation is normally free.

After those meetings, you'll know what you could do next.

I can tell you, that because you have NOT sought medical care (the reason doesn't matter), you have probably jeopardized any case you could have made.

That presumes you had a case.

Finally, when the apartment employees tell their story of this event, it will be much different than yours.

There were three of them and one of you (two, if you count your visitor).
Thank you for your reply,
I was curious as to if it was worth speaking to a lawyer about. I'll take your advice as to not posting any more specific info but I have a question. To your comment as to me not seeking medical attention. I never requested they not send an ambulance, I had no way of knowing I was experiencing what's classified as a medical emergency. Now with this new information I have to. Is it really so detrimental that I didn't walk immediately to the ER (would have been my only option without an ambulance)? I was quite persistent the first time, to the point that the emergency operator got short with me, should I call emergency services now and demand they send an ambulance? I'd feel a knob, I'm a motile younger male, what if someone enfeebled dies because I'm too poor to own a vehicle? I know this goes against your advice, but I'm curious on this issue as it is really my main concern.
You should speak to some local attorneys.
You need not justify why you did or did not seek medical attention on this forum.

I suggest to you that it will become an issue.

Your explanation won't cut it.

Be prepared for your potential defendant to eat you up about not seeking medical attention.

That is how the system functions.
I live in Detroit, MI in an apartment building owned by a certain company. Recently I was assaulted by employees of this company, namely the manager of the building, and two maintenance men. About a week ago I heard a commotion in the hallway after my friend had just left my apartment. After taking two steps into the hallway, the manager (a woman named M*******) turned on me from the other end of the hallway. She started screaming at me "GET OUT OF MY BUILDING!" and stomped towards me. When she reached me she pushed me. I said "Keep your f*cking hands of me!" and pushed her off. At which point she started swinging on me. I didn't return any blows, only dodged hers. Before I knew it, a maintenance man is squaring up with me and started swinging. Defending myself I began to throw punches of my own. When it looked like I might win the fight with the first man, a second man (also an employee) started punching me in the back of the head. I fought for as long as I could but eventually was overwhelmed and knocked out. When I could get up I got back into my apartment and locked the door, with them still pounding on it.

Seeing as this all happened for no apparent reason, I called the police. They never sent any officers or anything. I called again hours later and was told it "wasn't an emergency, so if no ambulance is required then no officers will be dispatched, you should file a report with our assault line" I inquired as to how she knew it wasn't an emergency she said "Well, your talking to me, do you want me to transfer you?" I was transferred and filed my report. Later I notice flashes of light in one eye that took the most punishment, and pain behind it. Looking online I learned that these symptoms are consistent with some kind of retinal detachment, which is a medical emergency, and I could go blind in that eye in a matter of days.

Now I'm wary to go to the ER as I have no health insurance and can't afford any surgery they might wish to perform. I'm wondering if the company which employs these individuals (convicts, history of violent crime, mentally unstable, history of substance abuse, some on parole or probation, all of which they were aware of when hiring them) and owns the property on which the incident took place faces any liability. Any advice would be paramount.

Since this all went down recently and you are still suffering the physical effects of the assault, you should definitely go see a lawyer! An Attorney can get you to a doctor for treatment on a lien basis if he takes your case. Sounds to me like the landlord/manager/owner is liable for your injuries. Consult with a lawyer ASAP! Please post back and let us know how you are doing!
Thank you, I'm working on contacting a lawyer atm, I have no phone or money (student, former ward of the court) so it'll be slightly difficult, but I'm working on it and will follow the advice of my attorney, should I find one willing to take my case on,
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