Atty left me crying

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I am going through a divorce and my husband has not had much of a work history for the past few years and is an alcoholic. My atty has told me it is not really worth going after child support, even though he does have some assets. Our first divorce trial was converted to a conference due to my husband not retaining an atty until a few days before the trial date and when I met my atty at the court house I asked how this happened. He began yelling at me, saying I could pay him 3 times the retainer I have already paid him (I have paid him $2500.00) if I wanted him to move forward differently. He accused me of not listening to him, that he expected this type of thing to happen, that my husband is dysfunctional and this is how the system works. I had begun crying due to so much stress going on with this and he just kept yelling at me. He then said maybe we would have to part company. I was so taken back by his demeanor. I had a friend with me who tried to interject and break the tension, which did some good. I was so emotional and still crying when he left the room to go meet with my husband's atty. Both atty's then met with the judge and a while later we were told we could go. My atty's attitude had improved, but he would barely look at me and did most of the talking to my friend. He told me to call him the following week to set an appt to meet and work on how to get money/assets and he seemed more positive. I called him this week and left a message reminding him that he wanted me to call for an appt, but he has not returned my call.

I would drop him as my atty in a heartbeat, except he has my money and has not been billing by the hour, it was a set fee for the process, so I know he would not return a cent to me. I do not have any more money on hand to hire another atty so I feel I am stuck with someone who does not want to represent me.

Is his demeanor and actions appropriate? Is it normal for an atty to just flip out on their client like that? I honestly did not do anything to provoke him and am grateful to have had someone there to witness his ranting... she too was bewildered and left wondering what prompted his actions. If nothing else, he should have apologized for his tone.

I am just left wondering if anyone can give me any insight into why an atty would act like to with their client, if I should continue to have him as my atty, or, if I should cut my losses... save up some money... and then find another atty.
I don't know the details of your case. If your attorneys conduct was so outrageous, and you have a witness and feel that you need to switch attorneys, you may want to write a certified letter stating the same and the demand of your money back (or at least a reasonable portion less amount used.) I don't like reporting anyone to the bar unless truly warranted and everyone has their bad days and levels of sensitivity will vary. I wish you the best of luck.
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