Auto parts warranty not honored


New Member
I purchased a refurbished auto part from an online retailer, they only sell online, I installed the part myself, the part came with a 1 year warranty. I made a warranty claim for the first part within the warranty period and they sent me a replacement which I also installed and found it to be defective as soon as I first tried to use the car I tried to make another warranty claim and they said
"We're sorry for the problem with your order. Since you have had multiple problems with this part, we do not feel comfortable shipping another to you because we cannot guarantee that another would not also fail. Normally warranties cover replacement only, but we will make an exception and have you return the part to us for a refund."
They claim they will give me a refund for both parts, I sent the original back which they have and say a refund is coming I can not send the second one back yet because I need it to be able to drive the car. After much searching, I can only find a replacement for the original retailer which I just purchased and am waiting for it to be delivered.
The original part cost $115.00 plus shipping, after buying 3 of these parts I'm out an additional $360.00 for shipping, cores, core returns and the newest part cost more than the original. Can I sue them in small claims court for the extra money it has cost me, can I sue them in Michigan, there corporate headquarters are located in Madison Wisconsin, their website says they sell millions of parts all over the world.

Your help is greatly appreciated,
Can I sue them in small claims court for the extra money it has cost me,

Sure. Anybody can sue anybody for anything. Whether you win or not depends on the terms and conditions of the warranty which we haven't read.

can I sue them in Michigan, there corporate headquarters are located in Madison Wisconsin,

Google "personal jurisdiction" and you'll get an idea whether or not a lawsuit in Michigan would fly.

By the way, even if your lawsuit was successful you'd only be entitled to a refund for the defective product and not for any consequential expenses so you might as well just accept the refund and move on.
"I can not send the second one back yet because I need it to be able to drive the car." That's a little confusing if it's defective.
They already sent one replacement and will refund you for the second once it's returned. You have no basis for suing the vendor.
I agree, it seems the warranty has been honored and a lawsuit would have no justification.
Suing them over such a tiny amount would not likely be practical either.

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