background check hurts

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I was looking for some advice as to what i should do about something that is happening to me, i am a 39 year old man with 3 daughters, i have just moved back to new york and i have been trying to find a job to support my children, i have been in the maintanance field for more than 13 years and i have been looking for a job in this field for over two months since i have been back. My troubles started when i applied for a position as a porter at the Ivy League College Columbia University. i was asked by a recruiter from next source to come in for a pre-screening, now bare in mind that i have a felony E conviction for possession of marijuana back in 1992 i did 5 years probation and payed my debt to society. i made a terrible mistake, i am grown and my only concern in my life is taking care of my children. i told the recruiter about my past and she said to come in anyway becaus it was more than 15 years ago with nothing else on my record i have been a good provider and worker i have no other convictions. I went to the interview and talked to a woman by the name of Alfia, she liked me and was willing to help me get back on my feet, i was sent to take a drug test, and they were going to do a background check on me, when i filled out the application at next source the application clearly stated and asked if i had ever been convicted in the last 7 years, obviously i wasn't so i answered no, my offense was 15 years ago so it shouldn't apply, i receive a phone call from alfia the next day and she tells me that there was an alert on my background check and that they had to investigate it, i know for a fact that the only problem i had with the law was 15 years ago, if Columbia univesity does a background check and the application specifically asks about 7 years or less why would i be flagged? isn't the agency that they hired to do a background check doing more than they are suppose to to jepardize my name and credibility because they want to? i feel violated because of this occurance, is there anything i can do to prevent this from happening? was i mislead on the application? or was i discriminated against? i would like to know
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