bad faith in hiring?

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I was offered a job position, which I accepted and then relocated states for. Upon arriving in the new state, I was told that the position was not available and they could not offer it to me. I have e-mails sent between the employer and I in which they discuss my move and upcoming trainings. I am now left without a job in a state where I have no connections and very little savings and am not sure what my next step should be. Is this grounds for a lawsuit? How would I even go about that?
Was the relocation paid for by the potential employer?
bad faith

The relocation was not paid for and the reason for the position being closed has not been revealed.
update: The reason the position was removed was due to some sort of funding (medicaid/medicare) change I believe.
That being the case, it is unlikely that you have any legal claim. You're free to try but it's unlikely that you'll get anywhere since business reversal reasons such as the removal of funding are not considered bad faith issues.

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