bad peolpe next door

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New Member
I have a person who trims the tree (hanging on his side of the "LINE" ) and puts the branches on my side for me to clean up.
Any thoughts on action?? :confused:
Whose property is the tree on? Probably if it's your tree, he could make a claim that you're responsible for keeping the tree properly trimmed. I'm not a lawyer, but that seems logical to me.
Originally posted by Zarth
I have a person who trims the tree (hanging on his side of the "LINE" ) and puts the branches on my side for me to clean up.
Any thoughts on action?? :confused:
I'm not sure I understand -- are you saying that the tree grows on his side and he trims his branches and dumps them on your property? That is trespass. If this is an issue of a person who trims your tree that goes over your property boundaries onto his side of the property, then you should be the one trimming the tree since you will be liable if it does damage to your neighbor's property -- so it might be in your best interest to take care of this early.
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