Personal Bankruptcy Bankruptcy and Family payments

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New Member
Hi guys
I've struggled with debt for many many years, after speaking to Stepchange and a number of other debt help agencies I'm advised to declare bankruptcy. Or enter into an IVA

Out of the 2 options I want to put an end to my problems and declare Bankruptcy, I feel an IVA will just drag my problems on and only takes a missed payment that results in my debts coming back. One issue I need clarification on is I currently send money to parents weekly, would the official receiver or Adjudicator see this as an unnecessary payment and order this to be stopped.

Thanks in advance for any advice

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Sorry I think I have posted this in a US forum? My assistance in required in the UK

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Sorry I think I have posted this in a US forum? My assistance in required in the UK

Yes, you posted in a US forum. US and UK bankruptcies are significantly different, so we'll be unable to help you with this. I suggest you seek out a solicitor near you who handles bankruptcy to answer the questions you have about your particular situation. That will be the best source of information for you.
Yes, you posted in a US forum. US and UK bankruptcies are significantly different, so we'll be unable to help you with this. I suggest you seek out a solicitor near you who handles bankruptcy to answer the questions you have about your particular situation. That will be the best source of information for you.

My apologies I was trying to find a Uk forum, this group popped up and automatically posted my question, I then realised it was likely to be a USA forum.

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