Being denied visitation

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A grandparent has no legal or moral "right" to someone else's children. If they wish to have a relationship with said children, the GPs need to show respect for the parents. If they disrespect/disregard the parents and their rights/wishes regarding their own children, then the GPs can expect to have visitation curtailed or cut off.

I, myself, never had any problems with my children's wonderful GPs (both sets) and therefore my children had a loving and wonderful relationship with them until they passed.
Actually, the ten commandments says honor thy father and mother. Doesn't say anything about kids. Which is what they are.
Oh great googly moogly!

God (yours or anyone else's) has nothing to do with this.
Wrong on all counts. My attorney advised me to adopt my biogrand daughter. Then i can let them see her as long i want. And i told them that. So, no. God didn't give them those kids. I did. They were given to my daughter by God. She couldn't take care of them because of her disease of addiction. I raised her for a year. Then handed her trusting their word they would never do this.
So much for someone s integrity these days. Just young snot nosed spoiled brats
Yet, here you are, angry at the world because the choices YOU, AND YOU ALONE chose to exercise.

If you truly felt for the innocent kiddos what you allege, you'd have chosen NOT TO ALLOW DRUG ADDICTS to adopt precious you children, YOU had chosen to protect.

As far as humans keeping their word, I suggest you look in a mirror.

The reflection staring back is THAT GUY.

THAT GUY is you, dude.

Wrong on all counts. My attorney advised me to adopt my biogrand daughter. Then i can let them see her as long i want. And i told them that. So, no. God didn't give them those kids. I did. They were given to my daughter by God. She couldn't take care of them because of her disease of addiction. I raised her for a year. Then handed her trusting their word they would never do this.
So much for someone s integrity these days. Just young snot nosed spoiled brats

But you didn't. So you have never had parental rights. So you didn't "give" the kids.

God, I have heard, moves in mysterious ways, so it is extreme hubris to claim that you have control over this situation.

P.s. i could give a shit what the law says. As man's word is far more important. Not some rule men with shirts and ties came up with

I hope the adoptive parents find this post and this statement. If the adoptive parents don't have a restraining order against you, they should petition for one.

Please get a referral to I think you need to see a neurologist and get evaluated.
Wrong on all counts. My attorney advised me to adopt my biogrand daughter. Then i can let them see her as long i want. And i told them that. So, no. God didn't give them those kids. I did. They were given to my daughter by God. She couldn't take care of them because of her disease of addiction. I raised her for a year. Then handed her trusting their word they would never do this.
So much for someone s integrity these days. Just young snot nosed spoiled brats
Well. It is really clear now why the parents of this child have stopped visitation. I agree with Red that you would benefit from a visit with a neurologist or Psychiatrist.

Good luck to you and I do wish you emotional peace.
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