Being Harrassed for taking sick leave

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Well, no, that wasn't the reason. I've already told you what the reason was, and frankly I don't give a damn if you believe me or not. You're the one taking the thread on a tangent; you're the one getting hung up on semantics. No one accused the poster of taking or requesting unlimited sick leave; you're the only one who has even suggested such a thing. The only laughing stock here is you if you don't think anyone reading the thread can see that.

Kitty, if you would like further assistance I would be more than happy to work with you via PM, but I will not insult you by pretending that GH has anything valid to offer. He has a personal agenda with me and would rather take my posts apart than help you. That is not doing you any service. From everything you have posted I strongly suspect that you do have a valid cause of legal action, but I would rather ask questions and get the right answer than jump to conclusions like GH does. Feel free to contact me privately if you like.
Wow:nuts don't know what prompted that outrages accusation, hey this is America the poster can do what ever she wants.

Lets set the record straight though, I have 475 posts cbg has over 2700, you will find that that accusation is bogus on numbers alone. Most of the posts I am on cbg does not appear at all. So the notion I post on this board for the sole purpose of "picking her posts apart" as the main agenda has no credence. Sorry thats just not what I do here. As far as validity-the issues I raised most certainly are valid. Also there are remedies with in the union framework that more than likely would not require any court action.
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Let's take this discussion offline. The poster cannot do whatever the poster wants - it's not just what you say but also how you say things.

CBG actually provides excellent, well intended advice where the majority of people who post here are very gracious and don't feel intimidated at all by attempts to get to the bottom of things. She's been a tremendous asset here for a long time.

Part of the reason for this apparent antagonism might be that each of you approach the solutions from different sides and it's very important to be respectful and appreciate the perspective of that other person. It's extremely important to be respectful of others and let's end the public discussion here. I'm going to take things offline and hopefully we can continue in the productive, relatively happy family we've got here. Thanks.
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