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I've made appointments with my attorney and have asked that same question. It all comes back to the statement, what was my deceased brothers' intent? Was it that his daughter would receive his money? But when my brother and I changed his beneficiary on this accounts, the bank and financial adviser all asked, do you want your daughter as beneficary, my brother said no, put Larry as beneficiary. Larry said what he had done for his children, if his wife and him would pass away, - that they would receive their inheritance at 25, 30, and 35 years of age. My brother said Larry will handle it as he sees fit. The day of the funeral his ex-wife and daughter asked that Larry turn over all the money to Rachel. Larry said no, its not your money. Now his daughter says Larry was put on as beneficiary, as a convenience. Yes, we have made a claim against the estate. Can a judge overturn beneficiary and joint tenancy?
My BIG QUESTION; is being beneficiary of my brother's accounts and my brother saying Larry will do with the money, as he seen fit. The answer I get from my attorney, is would you like to settle it or fight it in court, if it comes to that, and maybe lose some of your owe money in expenses? I know lwpat you say it Larry's money, but with my brothers' only heir being his daughter. Would a Judge say that the money was hers and not Larry's as the beneficiary?
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