Big Corporation restricting my work as a contractor

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Here is my current predicament, 5 ½ years ago I was let go from a Major Wireless Carrier corporation. Since that time I have been working as a contractor with another company whose main customer is the same wireless carrier that I use to work for. I am the Manager of the Technical Services division of this contract company and 98% of jobs I have worked on in the past 5 years have been for the above Wireless Carrier, with full knowledge and full access to all of their people and locations here locally. Two days ago a corporate director called the owner of the company I worked for and stated that during an audit my name came up, and that I was not eligible to be on their account or on their premises. This seems to restrict my Right to Work, as no other Contract company will hire me if I can't perform the kind of work that I have been doing the past 5 years. So my question is " Do I have ANY legal recourse against the Wireless Carrier for their actions against me"
Right to work means you cannot be required to join a union to get work. It has nothing to do with this situation.

It's unclear to me why you are unable to work in your field unless the wireless carrier will allow you on the premises (which they are not required to do). Can you clarify?
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