Blank paper signed

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When closing the sell of the home in the last minute I was asked by my husband's lawyer to sign a blank sheet of paper. My spouse was paying the mortgage prior to our marriage and only on the first 4 years since we got married.
Now going through a divorce (he filed the complaint) I wonder if it was him to have me signing a paper that he would use for him to save is assets in case of a divorce.
I feel ashamed that I signed this paper. But truly I thought he wouldn't do such thing to me and I trusted that it was normal for the closing of the selling of the house. I wonder if I am entitled to the equity of the house and he made me sign a paper that would put me aside from having rights to anything related to the house or other things. Duration of marriage (6 years).
So, my question is: is legal to ask a spouse to sign a blank paper in the selling of the house?

Thank you
It's legal to ask about just about anything. The important thing though is how it impacts you.

Do you actually know what it is you signed?
At most, you are entitled to 1/2 the fraction of the equity gained in the home since marriage. Based on the housing market, it might have lost equity.
No, I don't know....I was told that it was to sign it because I was the wife.... I was so naif and stupid....

Thank you anyway for your comment/answer...
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