Trademark Book Title Trademarks


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I have a friend who is an author. She was recently contacted via email by another author who has trademarked the title of her series. She is telling my friend her book has to be renamed due to the trademark. My friend's book was published before the trademark was granted. Does my friend have to change her book title?

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Does my friend have to change her book title?

Your friend needs a lawyer, a real, licensed lawyer; not the opinions of anonymous strangers on the internet.

In all reality, the internet letter is probably a scam, but she needs a lawyer to insure she isn't scammed.
Does my friend have to change her book title?

She does not have to do it solely because someone demanded it.

We obviously have no way of knowing if other facts might warrant changing it because we know no other relevant facts. The most relevant facts are the particular titles (which you shouldn't post here) and the dates when the titles were first used. I'd also need an explanation as to what you meant when you wrote that the sender of the e-mail "trademarked the title of her series" and "the trademark was granted." "Trademark" is not properly used as a verb, and trademarks don't get "granted." I have a suspicion what you're talking about, but I don't like to base responses on assumptions.

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