Boston Marathon Bombing - Prayers and Condolences

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
I've had to travel and was out yesterday, enjoying myself with a rare free moment. I came back to my current HQ to discover cryptic messages from friends in Boston. Going online revealed the horror that is the Boston Marathon bombings which is labeled as a possible terrorist attack. At least 3 innocent people lost their lives and potentially dozens more were crippled and maimed as the bombs contained shrapnel, designed to inflict maximum damage and pain to live beings within its vicinity. Sincerest prayers for the injured and heartfelt condolences to the families of those that didn't make it.

I don't like politicizing, proselytizing or making agenda posts but I'd like to simply take a public moment to think about those who are and have served in our armed forces. It's difficult to imagine that this is the type of experience that our veterans potentially face every day. It's not easy to be grateful when you're constantly shielded from the realities of war.
On behalf of my beautiful city, thank you, Michael.

We are all still stunned and in shock, here. This morning's commute showed a level of security I have never seen before. Heavy police presence, yes. Bags checked, yes. Bomb-sniffing dogs - yes, even that we've seen before. Armed National Guard members on the platforms and guarding the turnstiles? No, that's something new.
Thoughts & prayers for the injured & those who lost their life & their families.

It is so sad it has come to that, cbg.
I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this in Boston, cbg. It's almost like innocence lost. Once you go through it once or have some attack like this happen in your own hometown, it's always in the back of your mind that it could happen again easily. I guess it's similar to being robbed. That said, it's still a rarity in the US and I hope that it doesn't affect your day to day. It's a little different when you live in places that have armed guards everywhere and metal detectors in every major entry point, especially mass transit.

The pictures are just horrible and just hope that the number of seriously injured persons is down (and unlike that poor runner in a wheelchair being shown everywhere.) Now I'm also seeing scam sites and newly formed organizations to "help the victims" online that will be a trap for the unwary. Very unsavory but this is the way it is. My heart goes out to those affected but we must move on. Just is that way. What I didn't understand was how the Red Sox were playing so quickly (you've got security measures all over Boston but the big show must go on) yet the Bruins and Celtics canceled games. I wasn't understanding how and why that happened.

My best to you, my friends in Boston and the community at large...
Maybe you all heard but I just recently heard on the TV that they have a suspect - no further info known at this time.
I just heard all the way out here that there is no suspect in the Boston bombing just yet. News media are desperately hoping to attract page views with misleading headlines rephrasing the same limited information / misinformation. First the suspect had a white cap on backwards. Then it's a hoodie and a black jacket. Then there is little else but news that there are no arrests expected. I think that the Onion was mocking the massive amount of misinformation that has been posted thus far.

From looking at the pictures provided to the media, the bomb maker used cheap Chinese electronics parts. That's about the extent of it thus far.
Re: the sports issue - It is a long time tradition that on Patriots Day, the Sox play in the morning. The game was already over before the bombings. Granted, a number of stations showed it taped, but the game actually started at 11:00 am. The Celtics and the Bruins, however, were evening games.

Today there was a "suspicious package" found at the subway station right outside my office building. It proved to be nothing but I ended up, for the second time this week, taking a taxi to where I pick up the commuter rail. One of the three dead is a former employee of my employer, and the daughter and sister of two current employees. It's touching closer to home every day.
I'm sorry, cbg. It makes me all the more upset & mad/sad that the bombs contained pellets, make injuries worse.

I'm sure you're right, thelawprofessor. They even interrupted though a TV program & radio program (while I was in my car) to announce they had a suspect in the bombings. (They didn't even say person of interest but said suspect.)
Glad the pair of bombers were finally apprehended. Apparently this pair of terrorists would have successfully fled the country if they weren't so brazen and overconfident. The younger brother was said to have partied that evening and didn't begin to flee until he was finally identified days later. A negotiator was said to have been sent to the scene where the younger brother was hiding. I'm not sure what they could have negotiated other than what was expected (a hail of bullets). At least he's not on the streets any more.
Apparently after leaving the bombs, they didn't think they would be/might be caught on camera. Otherwise, you would think they would have fled the country immediately.

I, too, am just glad they are off the streets.

♥ to Boston.
When people were told to stay home & stores were told not to open, what stores remained open - many Dunkin Donuts in Boston & Watertown. Many served free donuts & coffee to the police officers & other responders.
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