Both parents decease with no will

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Both my parents are now deceased and they left no will for the home they owned. My cousin wants to buy the house but we don't know where or what to do to sale the house to him. We do not want to hire an attorney or lawyer to complete the process but we rather do the process ourselves. We would appreciate a starting point on what we need to do to transfer the house from my parents to one of their siblings and then from one of us to our cousin. We would apprciate any help we could secure from anyone on this site. Thanks. AL.
Many people want to avoid paying legal fees, but you can't avoid probate fees in the case of real property. If you wanted to sell him dad's shotgun, that's easy. Transferring the deed to real property, that ain't. You'll have to probate your parent's estate. You'll hsve to clear the title to their home, and then transfer same to your buyer.

Google "probate real property in state XXXX".

That's where you start your quest.
It ain't easy.
It ain't quick.

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The first step is to get an executor appointed by the court. The executor can choose to rent the house to the cousin, on behalf of the estate, prior to clear title transfer being done through the court.
Both parents deceased and no will

Thank you both so much for taking the time to respond to my inquiry. I will looking into hiring an executor or have the court appoint one for me. Thanks again. AL.[/

The first step is to get an executor appointed by the court. The executor can choose to rent the house to the cousin, on behalf of the estate, prior to clear title transfer being done through the court.
Both parents deceased but no will

Many people want to avoid paying legal fees, but you can't avoid probate fees in the case of real property. If you wanted to sell him dad's shotgun, that's easy. Transferring the deed to real property, that ain't. You'll have to probate your parent's estate. You'll hsve to clear the title to their home, and then transfer same to your buyer.

Google "probate real property in state XXXX".

That's where you start your quest.
It ain't easy.
It ain't quick.

Sent from my iPad2 using Tapatalk HD

Thank you for taking the time to respond and its not that we don't want to pay legal fees if its something we can do ourselves. Thanks again; AL.
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