Bought a new truck

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We do love vehicle. Thats the deal. We just hate how we were swindled and we were not thw only ones.

You made contact with the dealership's GM.
I suggest you visit the GM on Monday, lay out your case, and request your remedies.

I see your major requests as:
2=Make sure you get the insurance you don't want cancelled (that might mean you contact the insurance companies DIRECTLY and submit your cancellation requests), as I read your posts you have TWO unwanted insurance plans,
3=Ask for a lagniappe (for inconvenience) that might be TWO free oil changes, another tank of gas, or something else you believe will help illustrate to you that the dealership regrets how you were treated,
4=A handshake and an apology from the GM

You might be surprised how you're treated if you start the reconciliation process.

Good luck, let us know what happens, please.
You can cancel the warranty and the gap. Send a letter to the dealership and directly to the address on the policy. The refunds will be sent to the bank to reduce the amount you owe.
He took advantage of my husbands weak timing my daughter didnt feel well, we were trying to lower bills, we were in a rock and hard place. I was at home was being spoke to by phone.uea 84 mon cheaper payments. Main deal is that we were not told cost of of said warranty, nor gap? Then the key crap

He didn't take advantage of anything. Is your husband a competent adult? Are you a competent adult? You can make your own decisions right? So based on all that information you still chose to buy the vehicle. No one forced you or coerced you. You did it. You had the choice to walk away.
Please delete my post i asked a question not to made fun of or bashed or corrected or told how horrible my paragraph was i have a 3 yr old grabbing my phone im luckyi can do anything. I asked is there aimply anything we could do. Or was it simply to late

You should probably read the rules before you post on here...oh wait you read things and sign them and then have buyer's remorse after.

I have a 2 year old and I can still type on my phone legibly. Try again excuses.
You should probably read the rules before you post on here...oh wait you read things and sign them and then have buyer's remorse after.

I have a 2 year old and I can still type on my phone legibly. Try again excuses.

No need to be nasty towards me. If you dont have anything USEFUL to say then keep your comments to yourself. Yes you may have a child. So do i my child has special needs thank you very much so before you go marching to the beat your humble drum sticks maybe you ought to try and think about others feelings before being such a self centered ass
No need to be nasty towards me. If you dont have anything USEFUL to say then keep your comments to yourself. Yes you may have a child. So do i my child has special needs thank you very much so before you go marching to the beat your humble drum sticks maybe you ought to try and think about others feelings before being such a self centered ass

What the hell does your child being special needs have to do with anything? My daughter has serious medical conditions...and your point is? I still can type on the phone with my toddler around me.

LOL I have no concern about some stranger's feelings. I don't care if I hurt your feelings. If you can't handle what people on the Internet say then you have bigger issues.

I also don't have to do anything you tell me to do. I'm also not self-centered. Your life just has zero impact on mine. Next time don't freaking sign a CONTRACT without reading it. You don't HAVE to sign it. No one manipulated you or your husband. You're just obviously gigantic morons. Aww did I hurt your feelings?
What the hell does your child being special needs have to do with anything? My daughter has serious medical conditions...and your point is? I still can type on the phone with my toddler around me.

LOL I have no concern about some stranger's feelings. I don't care if I hurt your feelings. If you can't handle what people on the Internet say then you have bigger issues.

I also don't have to do anything you tell me to do. I'm also not self-centered. Your life just has zero impact on mine. Next time don't freaking sign a CONTRACT without reading it. You don't HAVE to sign it. No one manipulated you or your husband. You're just obviously gigantic morons. Aww did I hurt your feelings?

Wow you like to troll for drama dont you donr post my stuff again you are hateful."the ugh im better then you" or" my kids sicker or has more needs then yours" and if my life has zero impact on yours the see your self out. Oh and fyi for your rude ass they fixed it so guess what you can sign a contract amd have questions about it when you point out error with the owner of gm over hearing the conversation mm so yea thank you for the ones who helped me decide what to do we pushed forward and got what we wanted and were asking.
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