bought car out of state now dealer is telling me car is bad

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I saw this car on ebay auction. I contacted the dealership directly. We agreed in a price lower than auction so we did not do transaction on ebay. I paypaled 500 deposit and next day I wired 8800. Purchase total was 9300. This was including shipping of around 900...1 week later they tell me there are issue with title I say ill wait until they can figure it out. 3 days later they tell me the car is overheating... they offer my money back. Its now 10 days later... I missed out on buying another car. By the way this was a perfect perfect condition 1991 mitsubishi vr4 with 82000 miles.
Long story short.. car was advertised that it was running perfectly and that it was ready for sale and shipment...
I am sooo mad.. I know they are lying... why would they advertise on ebay if the title wasnt ready for transfer.... also a car just doesnt start overheating.. ..they would have had to been driving it alot since their "inspection".... they must have had a better offer on the car or didnt want to pay for shipping. .
as im complaining thwy are saying.. "well you wouldnt want a bad car -right?" Why would they advertise a "bad car" and then go thru with transaction for sale..
Do I have any grounds to sue. Im in southern California by the way.
It appears they have a disclaimer also.
W---- C--- Motorsports will not hold a vehicle without a signed non-refundable deposit, a signed purchase order, and a signed General Information and Terms of Sale.
I saw this car on ebay auction. I contacted the dealership directly. We agreed in a price lower than auction so we did not do transaction on ebay. I paypaled 500 deposit and next day I wired 8800. Purchase total was 9300. This was including shipping of around 900...1 week later they tell me there are issue with title I say ill wait until they can figure it out. 3 days later they tell me the car is overheating... they offer my money back. Its now 10 days later... I missed out on buying another car. By the way this was a perfect perfect condition 1991 mitsubishi vr4 with 82000 miles.
Long story short.. car was advertised that it was running perfectly and that it was ready for sale and shipment...
I am sooo mad.. I know they are lying... why would they advertise on ebay if the title wasnt ready for transfer.... also a car just doesnt start overheating.. ..they would have had to been driving it alot since their "inspection".... they must have had a better offer on the car or didnt want to pay for shipping. .
as im complaining thwy are saying.. "well you wouldnt want a bad car -right?" Why would they advertise a "bad car" and then go thru with transaction for sale..
Do I have any grounds to sue. Im in southern California by the way.

Thank your magic rabbit's foot, lucky chicken bones, and tea leaves; and get your money back.

The car wasn't in such perfect condition.

Get the ten grand, and don't buy cars like this again.

If you did sue them, you'd have to do it in their state.

Wise up, don't give away ten grand before the other guy gives you the goods.

Seriously, dude, we all learned how to trade agates for boulders back on the playground in the first grade.

We swap simultaneously, remember?

That way, neither one of us got cheated.
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