Breach of contract with voters by elected official.

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Keep in mind that your elected official is likely not the only person at the table. Results often factor in other people and a certain reality beyond the control of any one individual. Political compromise often produces results that nobody is happy with. That does not equate to incompetency.
Also, whether or not the elected official is competent in regard to the job duties is very subjective.
As for not holding the appropriate qualifications, that is a matter for voters to consider in a recall effort, if that is the appropriate procedure for this particular official.
I agree with the others that the idea of a breach of contract here is far fetched. There is already an established procedure to remove elected officials.
5 years ago some one claimed ownership of all the streets and allies in my town (population 100). He with the Sheriff Department and the County Judge stopped our local water co-op from providing my wife's tenant water hookup through an alley. The County told me that the individual owns the alley! For me to prove that all streets and allies are public, I went and closed the street behind our house. The Sheriff came and ask me to remove the brush that I closed the street with, or he will issue me a citation, they gave me 24 hrs. They left and came back telling me that it a class B misdemeanor and they will be back next day to see if I've opened the street. That was all I wanted! Issue me a citation or take me to jail, that will prove that the street is public. Next morning before we opened our little sandwich-shop, my wife dropped me at the sheriff Department with a plastic bag containing some underwear, socks and toothpaste. I walked in and demanded to be arrested. They spent 3 hours trying to convince me to go away, but I insisted that I broke the law and need to be arrested. Long story short! After I bailed out, went home and wrote a letter telling the County and Sheriff that my arrest proved the streets and allies to be public and that they need to treat any demands by the so called owner of the alleys and streets as a civil mater. Went, got my shovel and dug 150' trench and buried the water line. Didn't hear a peep out of none of them. .... 2 years later, that guy sued me, the County and a Company and 2 individuals that bought and leased land from my wife. After 6 months of Attorneys of all parties dragging their feet and spending $5000 on attorney fees, I let my Attorney go. it took 5 years before we had a judgment. The judgment was based on what I argued the first time I was on my own (Case that I quoted was used for the judgment). There were a total of 14 attorneys, but I was the only party that got more than was spent. I got my $5000.00 for the attorney and $15,000.00 in damages, the County spent over $600,000.00 and all they got was $220,000.00 The case is now in appeal by 3 of the other parties. All a long people were asking me what the hell was I doing? 'You're going against Attorneys', 'What do you know about law?', 'English is not even your native language', 'You can't write proper English', 8th grade was the farthest you got in school, and that was in your native language'. But my Wife stuck by me.

This "Removal" of the County Judge and Sheriff for "Breach of Contract" will be no different. I may lose but I will sure try. No one ever said it was easy being an American.

Thank you all for your input! But I respectfully disagree with your interpretation of the Law in regard to "Removal" in Texas.

In case you are wondering what is going on in South Texas, look up Corruption + Crystal City, TX. (30miles away from me). That's how the whole region is like.
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