Breach of contract

Andrew Jones

New Member
My fiance bought a car in January of 2018 the car salesman took our information then we proceeded to ask for the Carfax report and he told us that they didn't have one

once we got the car home upon our checking of the car we found out the car had no back up reverse bulbs were installed in the lamps of the car so the car salesman never told anything about the car so me and my fiance' did a VIN check report and found out that before we bought the car that it was in 3 different wrecks one that resulted in serious bodily

It was repossessed 2 times was in a flood bought at an auction brought back Florence Kentucky so after not even a month we had the car the alternator went out the serpertine belt broke spark plugs went out belt tensioner went out so we had the car repairs fix and repaired out of our own pocket and the dealer would not fix any of those things I just mentioned so my question is do I have a case for breach of contract or lemon law


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do I have a case for breach of contract or lemon law

You have no case.

You didn't buy the car.
The person to whom you are affianced bought the car.
She might have some recourse, but I suggest she and you speak with the general manager and ask for the relief you feel fair.
Your other post revealed that this was a 2011 Dodge and you and your fiancée were both buyers.

my question is do I have a case for breach of contract

Depends on the contract. If it was an "as is" contract then, no, you don't have a case. You could have, and should have, bought your own carfax as well as had the car examined by a mechanic.

or lemon law

KY lemon law applies only to brand new vehicles within the first 12000 miles or first year.
You should have checked out the carfax prior to buying the auto. You should of taken the auto to a mechanic to have it inspected prior to buying the auto. " Buyer " has every tool out there to prevent buying a auto with issues. Instead of just rushing out to buy a auto.... spend time to do your homework prior to signing the papers.

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