Breaking a Joint Lease


New Member
I signed a rental agreement that has another 8 months remaining but I can't continue living with my roommate. I'm not sure on the best way to get out of the lease. My roommate is extremely disrespectful and violent. He threatened me and held a gun in my face and had review to remove the guns from the house. Should I file with the landlord and see if I can suble\allow time for a new roommate or go the legal route and file a order of protection? What would be the best course of action? I don't feel safe or comfortable in my own home that I'm legally obligated to pay for. I'm not asking for him to get removed\evicted for the house I just want to be Able to remove my name from the lease without any recourse.
He threatened me and held a gun in my face and had review to remove the guns from the house.

What does that mean? Did you make a police report? Was he arrested? Seems to me that brandishing or threatening with a firearm would be a crime.

Should I file with the landlord and see if I can suble\allow time for a new roommate or go the legal route and file a order of protection?

Kansas, unfortunately, has no statutory protection for victims of domestic violence so breaking the lease won't be without potential financial consequences.

If you didn't file for an order of protection immediately after the incident occurred, I don't know how seriously a court will take it now.

As for what you and your landlord can agree to do, that's between you and him and the terms of your lease although I suspect he has no legal obligation to get involved in your roommate problems.

I just want to be Able to remove my name from the lease without any recourse.

Again, that's between you and your landlord. Nobody can predict how that's going to go.

Seems to me that living with roommates always ends up as a lose-lose situation so once you get out from under this I suggest you live on your own in a studio or efficiency apartment if that's all you can afford by yourself.

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