Breaking a Lease

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New Member
I have rented this condo for 10 years and have always paid the rent on time, never caused any problems, property damage etc. My landlord even has said that I am a model tenent. The daughter of the owner of the condo above mine has harrassed my son and I since 1999 via intentional banging/slaming in the middle of the night to wake us up, loud stereo all day long etc. My landlord says he is not interested in dealing with the problem. I wrote a letter to the mother asking if we could please work this out and never got a response. I have called the police many times. I have also kept a log since 1999. Every incident is in this log. I would have moved long ago, but could not afford to until a recent promotion. I am working graveyard shift now and the person upstairs is having a field day making it impossible for me to sleep during the day. My lease is not up until March 31st. I need to know what the consequences could be if I asked to break it early, and the landlord refused my request.
Everything depends on the terms in your lease. If your neighbor is causing problems that is keeping you from enjoying your aparment then you need to put your landlord on notice. Be sure to send this CRRR. If he refuses to correct the situation you would have a reason to terminate the lease. Again you must comply with the terms of your lease and you must properly put your landlord on notice of the problem.
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