When leasing an appartment and you are the main person on the lease
What does this mean? I've never seen or heard of a residential lease that designates one of several tenants as the "main" person or "main" tenant.
someone moves in and signs the lease as well
Signed an existing lease? Signed an amendment to the existing lease? Signed a new lease?
one of the parties (main leaser) wants to sign a lease break agreement form
What is "a lease break agreement form"? What does it say? Would the landlord also be signing this form?
can they be kept from signing bc the other party is refusing proof that they can afford the apartment on their own?
I'm not really sure who "they" and "the other party" are.
Here's what I think is the story here:
On ____ [date], Landlord and Tenant 1 entered into a lease agreement for residential premises. The term of the lease expired on ____ [date].
On ____ [date], Landlord, Tenant 1, and Tenant 2 entered into a new lease agreement or an amendment to the lease agreement, the effect of which was to add Tenant 2 as a tenant.
Tenant 1 now wants to move out and be relieved of all lease obligations going forward. Landlord is agreeable to this but wants Tenant 2 to demonstrate that he/she has the wherewithal to afford the premises on his/her own.
Is that accurate? If so, yes, Landlord is absolutely free to insist on such documentation as a condition to agreeing to let Tenant 1 off the hook. In fact, the landlord is free not to allow Tenant 1 off the hook under any conditions.