British man pays $200K to become Korean man...

army judge

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Oli (a Caucasian male) embraced, loved, and desired to become a Korean male.

Oli revered Korean pop group, BTS.

Oli knew he was a Korean male trapped in a Caucasian male's body.

A plastic surgeon made Oli's delusions become his reality, in a way.

These days you announce IT, you become IT.

Oli proclaimed his "TROOF", woof woof, now he's Korean.

Heck, Oli even married his idol Jimin's life size poster board cut out.

Today's world has become a very bizarre place.

Meet the British Man Who Spent $200K To Become Korean - Washington Free Beacon
eh. He harms no one...not even himself. millions of women/men ...adjust their looks. New boob/ass/nose/waist line/chin/cheek bones. In the end, if he now feels comfortable in his own skin, what's the harm?
Yeah, but I know a transgender person (born a white female) transitioning to white male? and they are stating that they are aware of his white privilege in transitioning to a white man.

I figured a white male would be the least desirable transitional sex.
eh. He harms no one...not even himself. millions of women/men ...adjust their looks. New boob/ass/nose/waist line/chin/cheek bones. In the end, if he now feels comfortable in his own skin, what's the harm?

This is clearly a case of a person that found doctors willing to take his money in order to change him into a delusion he is suffering from. And to think 18 surgeries in 8 years isn't unhealthy doesn't know much about the dangers of surgery.

"I identify as Korean. That's just my culture, that's my home country…" That is a delusion.

Also from the article...

London's eye surgeries were performed by physicians at Longevita, a medical tourism company registered in the United Kingdom and Istanbul. For Brits looking to save money on elective procedures, Longevita connects them with "Leading Surgeons" overseas. Longevita's website warns that those who forgo spending thousands on cosmetic surgery "may get plagued with feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness."

But there's virtually no evidence that the discontent felt by individuals like London will be alleviated in the long term by cosmetic surgery. Myriad studies have reached a far different conclusion on whether even relatively simple operations, such as breast augmentation, increase happiness. A number of studies found that women who undergo breast enlargement procedures saw significantly higher suicide rates, even as women in the West increasingly tell pollsters that they're open to the idea of, if not planning on getting, cosmetic surgery.

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