broker won't return good faith deposite


New Member
I applied for an apartment in NYC 9 weeks ago and gave 200$ good faith deposit to a broker. He gave me a receipt which says the money will return to me after 7days -21days if i got rejected. Then I got rejected. I keep messaging the broker every week but everytime he says he will do it but never gives me the money. Last week i called him, he said he screwed up the account and was in hospital and lost his job blablabla. I don't want to keep calling him forever, what things can i do to get my deposit back? (where can i report him or something?)
He does not belong to any broker firm, but he does have a broker license.
Start with a complaint to the license bureau and find out if he has a license bond and make a claim against the bond.

Otherwise, you can sue him. I imagine that NYC's housing court has jurisdiction over something like this.

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