Burglary, Arson, Home Invasion Burgurly, possession

deb miller

New Member
We have a surveillance video in our house and when we were gone it showed someone in our house. We couldn't tell who it was so called the Police. We found out it was my nephew who has full permission to be there. Always!! Both my wife and I went to the Police and told them it was a false alarm but the CA are still pressing charges. We are sick to death. He has come in and out of our house for years. I have cancer and drop pills all the time. He was merely trying to put them back in the the bottle. He had 2 hydrocodone in his hand when police busted in. I have thousands of pills there. Even with a clean drug screen they won't listen to us. He helps us not harms us. Can we ask for the video back since it's our property not the Polices?
The police aren't going to give you back the video because it's evidence.

It's unfortunate that this happened but your nephew needs a lawyer, right now.

The testimony of you and your wife might get him a dismissal or an acquittal but do not talk to the police or the prosecutor without first talking to a lawyer.
They likely suspect you are just trying to protect him. If you've informed them he had permission then that should all come out in court and be weighed with other evidence.

Apparently he set if an alarm when he entered? Wouldn't he know how to disarm it? How did he enter? Did he have a key?

Why was he there?

Of all the "thousands" of pills in the house is it really just coincidence that he had hydrocodone in his hands? I don't think many people will buy the story that he was cleaning up pills you dropped and had just left laying around- it may be true but it's unlikely.

Most of all, do you know if the explanation you are offering matches any statements he gave when police caught him? I bet they are not consistent. He likely said something at the time which carries more weight than what is being offered now.

I assume the video you have police is a digital copy. Once you gave it to them it was no longer yours. If they have your equipment they will return it when it is no longer needed for evidence. Does this video happen to show your nephew forcing entry into the house?

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