California struck by 6.4 Earthquake, things are all shook up!

army judge

Super Moderator
It is the first one I remember feeling since 1989. I'm 150 miles away in a straight line and it had the houseplants swinging from the ceiling.

This one today was out in the valley away from most civilzation. There is some damage near the center, but as a whole not much to speak of. I haven't heard of any injuries.

It kept rolling for a good 15-20 seconds... Very lucky with the location.
Where is the center, MM? I've heard from two friends in the general LA vicinity who didn't feel it - should I be concerned for family members in the Sacramento area?
Where is the center, MM? I've heard from two friends in the general LA vicinity who didn't feel it - should I be concerned for family members in the Sacramento area?

The July 4th, 2019 Mw 6.4 earthquake in eastern California, southwest of Searles Valley, occurred as the result of shallow strike slip faulting in the crust of the North America plate.

Focal mechanism solutions for the earthquake indicate rupture occurred on a steeply dipping fault as the result of either right lateral slip on a plane striking NW-SE, or as left lateral slip on a plane striking SW-NE.

The earthquake was located approximately 150 km northeast of San Andreas Fault - the major plate boundary in the region.

Here you go, more direct from the USGS folks:
Focal mechanism solutions for the earthquake indicate rupture occurred on a steeply dipping fault as the result of either right lateral slip on a plane striking NW-SE, or as left lateral slip on a plane striking SW-NE.

And with that California did break away from the rest of the country and floated off into the Pacific Ocean, never to be seen again...
Californians wouldn't have a clue what to do with eighteen inches of snow, darlin'. It's all in what you grew up with.

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