Camera's and MY privacy?

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Hello! Although this issue was resolved when the camera was removed, I still have a problem with it..
I was working as a live in nurse (licensed Vocational Nurse). In the home there was myself and the client only. I was told upon hiring to bring in my own furniture and feel comfortable becasue this was going to be my home and they were most appreciative to have me take on their problematic mother. I did this for alomost 2 years but soon found that they had an open door policy and did not want to spend money on patients dentures, new meds or even ambulance rides (after a stroke). I gave fair notice and even stayed on while they found a new person and trained this person. I offered to provide "back up" when the new girl needed time off or on her scheduled days off if they could not find another to do so.

Long story short, during the time I was providing back up they placed a camera in the living room of the house due to suspicious behavior of the "new caregiver". I was unaware of it. The they "fired" the girl and asked me to fill in till they could find another person..this lasted alomost a month. About the 4 th day I was there (again living in) they said they were going to remove the camera..which I knew nothing about...I was shocked and pissed off. But kept it to myself..then I began to remember times I had to check on my client when I was in the shower and had heard a noise or yelling (which she did often). I also remember the times when it was so hot in the home that I sat late at night in my underware (bottoms only) on a cold sheet trying to cool off..
My point is that I feel violated... I lived there...the son of the client had bought the home especially for his mom and a caregiver...another son lived on the property in a moblie..because he was "manager" of his mom's estate..or shall I call him the "mis manager"....
I just need to know if they were worng in doing this..or was I wrong really expaecting to have my privacy?
By the way both brothers have since died and MOM is still kickin but without money..
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
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