Cameras in a CA residential care facility.

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My bosses just sent out a memo saying that cameras are being placed into several of our houses to monitor their employees. Nothing was said about where the cameras are being placed or what's being recorded.
I'm worried that this might be a violation of the rights of our clients, all of whome are 18 yrs or older and mentally handicapped.

Any thoughs or ideas?

a8ksh4 said:
My bosses just sent out a memo saying that cameras are being placed into several of our houses to monitor their employees. Nothing was said about where the cameras are being placed or what's being recorded.
I'm worried that this might be a violation of the rights of our clients, all of whome are 18 yrs or older and mentally handicapped.

I'm confused. Do you work from home and you are saying that your employers are trying to put cameras into your homes? What right do they have to enter your property?
George, she's saying the employer put the cameras in the residential facilities (homes) where care is provided for disabled adults.

a8ksh4, this is perfectly legal as long as the cameras aren't placed in an area where an employee would clearly have an expectation of privacy, such as the staff restroom. As to whether it violates privacy for the residents, you're posting on the wrong board to inquire about that.
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