Can a county jail make inmates pay 15.00 per medication/pill? Can they take money from your commissary account for your initial hygiene Kit?


New Member
My fiance has not been getting his medications since he got to jail 4 days ago and he has cancer and severe nerve damage. I talked with the nurse when he first got there and then again today, so they are aware and just not giving it. I am dealing with all of that, but he has been told by several inmates that they have had to go without medications because the jail is charging 15.00 per pill and they cannot afford it. He also said that the money I initially put on his books was mostly used by the jail as they charged him for his initial hygiene kit and jail "clothing" when he was first booked. It is my understanding that, one, an inmate's medication cannot be withheld or not given if it was previously prescribed by their doctor and is for a "serious" medical condition, especially due to not having the ability to pay. I also thought that the jail is mandated to provide the initial hygiene kit. I did not put money on his books until the next day and then they took over half of it for these things. I understand a continued use of a hygiene product being his responsibility if financially able, but the initial kit should be provided, no? What happens if someone never gets money put on their books? Just trying to figure this all out right now.
What happens if someone never gets money put on their books?

Hmmm, :confused: logic tells me that person would learn a life lesson, DOING WITHOUT.

I understand a continued use of a hygiene product being his responsibility if financially able, but the initial kit should be provided, no?

Hmmm, :confused:logic tells that person would learn another life lesson, DON'T BREAK SOCIETY'S LAWS, and one would continue to live her/his life as a free person, not as a CAGED savage.

My fiance has not been getting his medications since he got to jail 4 days ago and he has cancer and severe nerve damage. I talked with the nurse when he first got there and then again today, so they are aware and just not giving it. I am dealing with all of that, but he has been told by several inmates that they have had to go without medications because the jail is charging 15.00 per pill and they cannot afford it.

Have you considered revealing any and ALL mistreatment and or abuse to the elected county sheriff by writing her/him a letter containing your concerns and allegations.

Furthermore, you could also send a copy of that letter to your state's governor, your county executive, your elected county representatives, your friend's criminal defense attorney, or any of these agencies who assist with securing rights for incarcerated persons in Indiana!!!

Good luck....
Why do you feel the state should be responsible for any of his "hygiene" items (initial or otherwise)? To me, if it's his toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc., then he should be paying for it. You know, like the rest of society.

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