Can a disabled individual receive both SSI and SDA (State Disability Assistance)?

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I've been receiving SSI for disability since 2009 for a condition that started in 2000. However because I didn't start treatment until 2007 when I was 26, I have no medical records of the condition before '07. But when my parents recently applied for their retirement benefits, SSA called my mom and asked if I wanted to apply for Adult Child's Benefits on her earnings record. She said if there is any record of me telling my doctors that my condition began before 22, that could suffice as evidence and allow me to collect more benefits.

So I applied a few months ago and now just got a letter from Department of Health/Disability Determination Services saying I was denied for SSDI. They said they could only locate half my records, and based on that info they determined my condition is not disabling or preventing me from SGA. Does that mean they're saying I'm not disabled at all, or that my condition doesn't qualify for SSDI because I wasn't disabled before 22? Because it also says I may still be able to continue receiving other Social Security Benefits.

So I'm confused. Was I only denied for SSDI Child's Benefits, or am I now denied for SSI too based on their findings?

My page says I'm still receiving SSI and scheduled to receive my next payment as usual. And my online Benefits Verification Letter dated today still says:

"We found that you became disabled under our rules on September 21, 2007. You are entitled to monthly (SSI) payments as a disabled individual."

Was I denied for both, but they just haven't processed everything yet, or is there a chance I could still be approved for SSI?
Does that mean they're saying I'm not disabled at all, or that my condition doesn't qualify for SSDI because I wasn't disabled before 22?

I suggest you ask the agency directly.

Otherwise, you can ask your elected federal officials, up to and including The President.
I receive $841/mo SSI for a disability as well as SNAP food assistance and the $42 quarterly state supplemental payment. I recently read that Michigan has a State Disability Assistance program that provides cash benefits to disabled individuals separately from the federal SSI benefits, and I noticed there is an option to apply for SDA in my account, so I have a few questions about eligibility.

1. Can a disabled individual receive both SSI and SDA simultaneously, or is it one or the other?

2. Am I already receiving SDA with the $42 quarterly payments?

3. If yes to #2, does that mean they've already determined that $14/mo is the maximum that I'm eligible for? Or could I potentially be entitled to additional benefits through SDA if I were to apply directly?

(I never actually applied for the $42 state supplemental payments. I think my MDHHS caseworker automatically enrolled me when I started receiving SNAP).

Thank you
Whatever you want to know about benefit programs, ask the program source directly.

Those unaffiliated with the various transfer payment programs you mention have no authority to speak for said programs.
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