can a landlord leagally...

That was another mistake, don't take legal advice from anyone but a lawyer LICENSED in your state.

You see, he already should have known that once the locks were applied ILLEGALLY, he would be foolish to break the locks and enter.

That, my new friend, is what is called "self help", it rarely ends well for the actor.

The landlord was DUMB like a fox.
He or she set a trap that MOST people just can't resist.
I am glad I EARNED my law dgree, and I've spent my entire adult life helping people unravel stuff like this.

Never use a self help remedy, the system is rigged to USE government supplied services.

I don't worry about the why, I simply accept the whatever it is.

That said, he pleads NOT guilty, asks the judge if he qualifies for a public defender, and he keeps his yapper closed.

He and you should ONLY tell what you know to his lawyer.

He will win the ILLEGAL lockout, unless something is unknown to you and me.
If things about the lock out are EXACTLY as you recite, that's a sure winner.
I mean, CASH money.

As far as the criminal charges, if the first officer tells the truth, he has a very good chance at winning the burglary/trespassing (or whatever crappy charge they slapped on him), and he might even beat the resisting.

He has to remain cool, look humble and confused, and pretend to believe in a rigged system.

You also need to leave race related remarks out of this (all races and ethnicities will be on the jury, don't pis soff people who will help you), don't post to social media, don't give details to friends, mum is the word.

But, he has two bigger, more immediate problems.

Getting out of jail, and retrieving his belongings.
He can ask his defense lawyer.public defender about legal services in your area, or often public defenders will help him beat that case, too.

Keep us looped in as this progresses, and keep the faith.
O.K. so my friend got out of jail last night and had to walk home which was over 15 miles, all beat up, and the strange thing was, "he wasn't charged with resisting",He was however, charged with vandalism, and residential burglary. Less than 3 hours after he was arrested the landlord had his belongings out on the curb and a for rent sign in front of the house and in the windows.My friend was taken from his house, to the hospital, then to jail. He is located in the perris area does anyone know of a good, reasonably priced civil attorney we can contact to assist him with his case?
O.K. so my friend got out of jail last night and had to walk home which was over 15 miles, all beat up, and the strange thing was, "he wasn't charged with resisting",He was however, charged with vandalism, and residential burglary. Less than 3 hours after he was arrested the landlord had his belongings out on the curb and a for rent sign in front of the house and in the windows.My friend was taken from his house, to the hospital, then to jail. He is located in the perris area does anyone know of a good, reasonably priced civil attorney we can contact to assist him with his case?

He'll get a public defender because he has felony, the burglary charge pending.

Just suggest to him to ask the public defender about any civil remedies he might have.

The best thing right now is to keep a low profile.

Trust me, no need to offer lengthy explanations, just be cool, and stay out of more trouble.

he's going to be dealing with a lot of stuff over the summer into the fall.
How so? all he was charged with is vandalism, and residential burglary which are actually trumped up charges that actually should be considered a false police report because first of all my friend said that window was already broken, he did however make it worse to get in , and the residential burglary,"how do you burglarize your own residence?. In my opinion the landlord was just trying to get him out of the house long enough to get his stuff out n put a for rent sign on it. Knowing that Josh is in no financial position to hire an attorney they expect that he will just roll over, get up and walk away, and they will win, but if I have absolutely anything to do with it . "It's not going down like", because the same thing happened to me nearly a year ago and I believe the judge was related or paid off because I actually documentation that I had paid the rent and they still put me out all because I wouldn't accept 25$ a month for their sons trailer being hooked to my electricity, the taxes and fees were twice that a month and after I was already evicted I just walked away I guess because the legal system had initially let me down. But karma is a big, burly ,bitch and I know that all will get what they deserve.
Trumped up charges or not, the process takes time.
If he had visible injuries he should take photos. He should also get copies of any medical records from the hospital. Without a resisting charge his injuries are highly suspicious.
He can call around or visit a few attorneys and get an idea of what his options are and what cost might be. The best one is the one he trusts the most.
The longer it takes him to act on this the less likely he ever will.

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