Breaking a Lease Can a landlord tell you on a voice mail to do or vacate the premises immediately

carrie murphy

New Member
My niece got a voice mail from her landlord that there was a complaint over a big dog being there and that it was a menace to kids.. So not true it's my dog. Can the landlord threaten her over a voice mail and say that dog is gone immediately or if not your to vacate the premise immediately?
Sure, he can threaten to kick her out. It's the followup that counts.
My niece got a voice mail from her landlord that there was a complaint over a big dog being there and that it was a menace to kids.. So not true it's my dog. Can the landlord threaten her over a voice mail and say that dog is gone immediately or if not your to vacate the premise immediately?

Why do you value a dog so much that you wish to risk getting your niece evicted?

Be smart, remove the dog ASAP, give it to a friend or a shelter.

Don't allow your love of an animal to harm your niece.
He can threaten her by voice mail but would most likely have to legally evict her with required notice etc.

If the dog is yours & at your niece's apt., I would remove the dog.

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