Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Can a PI issue a warrant for arrest?

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I have run into a lot of troubles lately with money and time. I have a newborn son and new job that take up all of my time during the day. Also, the costs of raising a child has affected me more than i thought. A few months before my son was born, i agreed to photograph a friend's sister's wedding. Long story short, i have yet to deliver the pictures. The sister had paid a deposit of $500 before the wedding, and would deliver the additional $250 with the pictures. Well, i was just called by a PI saying that what i've done is criminal and that they will be issuing a warrant for my arrest unless i deliver a CD with the pictures and the $500 back or a finished product with album and all. Are they able to do this? My understanding of the law is the could sue me or take me to claims court.
I live in GA and have worked as a PI. What he did is criminal. Next time you talk to him ask him for his first and last name because you want to file a complaint against him. You owe them pictures, don't make excuses about having too much to do, but it is a civil contract issue not a criminal one. Shame on him for threatening you that way. But get the pictures done even if you have to ask the friend for the $250 to help process the pictures.
I can't imagine that a PI would even take up a case like this... sounds to me like someone yankin' your chain. Judges issue warrants, nobody else, and certainly not for civil issues like this one.
This is shady. I think you should call the police and let them know what happened. This guy can't be going around talking about issuing fake warrants.
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