Can cps/dfacs place your grand children into relative foster care wheen they were already in their custody, and were in no danger or with mother ?


New Member
My mother is 85, ---------, I'm her daughter, --------. I have a 29 yr.old daughter, T------------, she has 2 boys, ------- 12 and ------, 6 -------.

Me and my mama have had physical custody of these 2 boys their whole life. The boys stayed at both our houses, daily, we have always been the parent in every sense. It worked. The mother stayed and still stays in hotels, she prostitutes, she has substance abuse issues, she is a narcissist, with really psychopathic tendencies. We just deal with her wheen she comes around, she's been to jail, has criminal charges, is always been this way. Or got too much dealing with her, we just really wanted custody so she couldn't come take the boys when ever and take to hotel a day or 2 then return them.

She held all power, no responsibility. Me and my mom try to distance ourselves for our mental and physical well being. We contacted DFACS to intervene for the safety of the kids, and her aggressive , violent behavior, on drugs, etc. She went to court failed all drug screens and lied on the stand twice.

Three kids were staying at my moms at time if court, but i always tried to keep the boys majority of time cause my mamas 85, has had health problems. DFACS placed boys in her custody. They allowed mom to come anytime.. she came and still does come in middle of night. She was then ordered to stay away. Anyway out has taken a toll on my mama, she is on the verge off nervous breakdown, she didn't want to do this, i did.

DFACS had been uncooperative and don't care what they are doing to my mama. I can't take them to my house, or school ------ or anything without my mama supervising. This is bull. We had custody their whole life, they come in one day, say they placing them in relativefoster care, leaving them with her. She says she can't do. None answers her calls, they have done nothing.

The mom wad to start treatment 2 weeks ago. She did not. We still putting up with same shirt as before i contacted dfacs. There is no reason they can't be placed with me... we all know cps,dfacs, and what it's all about. I just want to take this burden off my mama. It is not right what dfacs is doing. I Just want my grandsons back, out of cps foster care. They had no right to place in foster ir anything. We have cared for them and provided for them always. The mom will never change, we accept that. They will terminate her rights im sure.i want to get permanent custody and end this injustice.our family has been brought into this and boys at risk if bring adopted out wheen they have had a stable, loving family.

The mother has not been active in their life, never had a job,home, etc..Dfacs has failed our family , and they are abusing my mama and she is not doing good at all. It's imperative something be done, now, today. The boys should be with me. I'm not playing their games. They don't care about my mama and all they have placed on her... it is elder abuse. They have humiliated, manipulated and messed with her mentally. Please. Help her... she is the sweetest mama in this world,full if love, compassion, and we bothhave done so much to make sure the boys are safe, and all the time had to put up with the mom doing whatever she wants. Now they going to take the boys from only love and stability they had , they look at us as parents, it's all they know. I Just wanted citation and the mom not allowed around until if ever seeking treatment and stability...

please see a way you can stop what is hsppening to my mama and get the boys back in my custody... and dfacs out off our lives. It's the mom gas the problem,. He kids shouldn't be any concern to dfacs, cps,or the mom... We been her all along, now they going to rip us apart, this is traumatic, and affecting all of us in every sense. This has to be illegal and please. Help us. Thank you,

--------------------------------------I swear everything I'm saying is truth, and there is lots more. There is no legitimized or known father to either boy.
This site doesn't do referrals and it would be wise of you to not deal with an attorney that trolls advice sites for clients. You can call the Georgia State Bar Association for referrals of attorneys that specialize in CPS cases in your area.

*This thread has been reported to the moderators to remove all the identifying information.
Hopefully the identifying information is removed soon.

However, while it is there, I can only observe that one of you has a very common name and it is possible that there is someone with the same name in your area with an arrest record that includes felonies.

It might be worth checking out.

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