Personal Bankruptcy Can ex-husband deduct money from alimony or child supt for ex-wifes bancrupted debt?

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New Member
Can an ex-husband deduct money from alimony and child support payments when his ex-wife has declared bankruptcy on the two's joint unsecured debt?
Heck no!

He owes alimony and child support per court order until the FAMILY court decides otherwise.
No, that's not how this works.

YOU tell me why YOU think he can deduct payments from child support and alimony obligations.


No offense, but you are wasting your time trying to engage the spammer "bankrupcyus". If anyone associated with the spammer is a fully licensed attny (highly unlikely - more likely some telemarketer from some far off land) he/she is probably involved with many mal practice and bar complaints. Clearly this spammer (who spams many forums unless moderators stop it), has no clue about anything.

DES is quite right on this one Proserpina.

You know you're correct.

DES knows you're correct.

I know you're correct.

Only a dummy wouldn't know you're correct!!!


No offense, but you are wasting your time trying to engage the spammer "bankrupcyus". If anyone associated with the spammer is a fully licensed attny (highly unlikely - more likely some telemarketer from some far off land) he/she is probably involved with many mal practice and bar complaints. Clearly this spammer (who spams many forums unless moderators stop it), has no clue about anything.

Thanks guys :)

(I know, I know...but this is a topic close to my heart - sorry! LOL)
Sorry guys, this one made it through. Someone hired marketers from India and they have used numerous IP addresses to try to infiltrate our site. Sometimes it takes a little longer but we almost always get them... Good information, thread now cleansed, spammers banned.
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