Can I be fired for an accidental stabbing at work

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At work I accidentally stabbed one of my friends and have been put on administrative leave without pay. I been informed that I may be fired for this incident. Can this happen and if so, do I have the right to file a lawsuit for unwrongful firing?
people are getting fired every day for less.
knomike said:
At work I accidentally stabbed one of my friends and have been put on administrative leave without pay. I been informed that I may be fired for this incident. Can this happen and if so, do I have the right to file a lawsuit for unwrongful firing?
What do you mean you accidentally "stabbed" one of your friends? If you mean like with a knife, could you really expect not to be fired?
In almost every state, you can get fired for ANY reason, unless it is a reason protected by the EEOC (race, gender, age, disability) etc..

Stabbing or not you probably were clowning around. You most certainly can get fired for this. You do not have any right to remain employed at a company just because you don't agree with being fired.

What makes you think this firing would be unjustified? Sounds pretty stupid to me. If you get fired, time to find another job.
I'll make this simple.

Yes. You can be fired for an accidental stabbing at work.

No. You would not even remotely have grounds for a wrongful termination suit.

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