Can I get an EDD payment cancelled?

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I applied for UI in June 2013, I was approved and was sent continued claims and weekly checks for about 6 months. In December I received 4 checks at once and within the next day a notice of eligibility determination. I didn't cash the checks because at that point I didn't know if I was eligible any longer and I didn't want to take the money. They have since determined I am not eligible. I have NOT received an overpayment notice yet, but I am sure that is coming along with a penalty. My question is, is there a way for me to have those check cancelled/returned since they were never cashed and so I don't have to pay a penalty or tax on them?
I applied for UI in June 2013, I was approved and was sent continued claims and weekly checks for about 6 months. In December I received 4 checks at once and within the next day a notice of eligibility determination. I didn't cash the checks because at that point I didn't know if I was eligible any longer and I didn't want to take the money. They have since determined I am not eligible. I have NOT received an overpayment notice yet, but I am sure that is coming along with a penalty. My question is, is there a way for me to have those check cancelled/returned since they were never cashed and so I don't have to pay a penalty or tax on them?

Yes, take the checks into one of their offices (make photocopies of the UNCASHED CHECKS for your records), take the overpayment notices with you (make photocopies of the OVERPAYMENT LETTERS for your records, explain your problem, and request they accept the uncashed checks and remedy the EXTRA charges.

Good luck...
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