Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft can i make my record clean again??? PLEASE HELP!

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New Member
okay so this is what happened, i was at Store name and stole a bracelet, they took me to the back, called the cops, all that good stuff, the total of the merchandise was 28 dollars, i got a ticket, and i have to go to court, although i haven't gone yet. i am a minor, and live in the state of texas, also my first offence, now i'm wondering if this will stay on my record or if there's any way for it to be erased? if there's ANY class ANYTHING, it doesn't mater about the price, anything for me to make me record SWEAKY CLEAN, tell me!! also is there a difference if it's dismissed or erased? will colleges still reconsider me if i have been 'dismissed'? i just need advice, i have an extremely bright future, all a's sports, clubs, community service, any thing you can think of, and i'm afraid this will ruin my chances for university! thanks.
Your post was edited for your protection. There is no need to post store name this info can ID you. Talk to your Attorney about Diversion as plea option. Far a classes go we can recommend one if you like. Enrollin ginto an Anti Shoplifting course before court will surely be looked upon favorably by any Judge. You can send me a PM I will give you contact info for such a class offered by NASP
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