Can I overcome or avoid bad arbitrators?

New York
I have a small business dispute of about $18,000 with a slimy provider. I'm torn about what to do. The contract we have says that we agree to arbitration. I've gone to small claims court in New York City for some of the few disputes I have had and used arbitrators if I couldn't get in front of a judge. It's bad now and they really push you in that direction. The few times I did this were very frustrating as the arbitrator often didn't ask the right questions, had an idea where they were going and didn't listen enough. Was like a circus. Is there any way I can pick or screen an arbitrator before agreeing to go in this direction? I know I am right. The problem will be overcoming someone who won't listen enough to understand why. The person I am suing is a snake and a charmer and deliberately confuses the issues and that is how he escapes responsibility. I'm not about to give up. Any tips or recommendations?
I don't think you have any say about who the arbitrator is going to be.

However, according to the following resources, you might be able to get an arbitrator replaced mid-case.

Study the resources thoroughly and carefully and be prepared to follow the process to the letter if it becomes necessary.

If your contract requires arbitration, it likely mentions what rules will be followed.
Is there any way I can pick or screen an arbitrator before agreeing to go in this direction?

You told us that you already agreed to go to arbitration: "The contract we have says that we agree to arbitration." The extent to which you will have control over the arbitrator selection process depends, first and foremost, on the specific terms of the arbitration provision in your contract (which we obviously don't know). If you want to quote the arbitration provision, I may be able to provide further information.

Any tips or recommendations?

Retain the services of a local attorney.

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