Can I play the radio in my store?

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New Member
Hey all,

I'm opening up a new retail pet store. I would like to play a stereo in the store with a local radio station. I have heard that this is illegal. But... I have heard they are exceptions.

My store is 1117 square feet with only about 750 actual front space. The Stereo would probably be broadcast just using a standard stereo system, with 2 - 6 speakers.

Does anyone know the rules on this? Or where I can find out?

I'm in Texas.

If you are playing a radio at your front counter, that is one thing. If you play it internally of the PA in your store, then ASCAP may approach you. They are trying to take the "friendly" approach these days. The gist of this approach is from Sailor Music vs. Gap Stores, the premise that when the performer's music is played whether live or on radio, it is a separate performance which is now being rebroadcasted by you to your customer's without a license to do so. That, of course, is ASCAP and you have other alternatives as well if you want to avoid this potential problem.

VisionTilt said:
Hey all,

I'm opening up a new retail pet store. I would like to play a stereo in the store with a local radio station. I have heard that this is illegal. But... I have heard they are exceptions.

My store is 1117 square feet with only about 750 actual front space. The Stereo would probably be broadcast just using a standard stereo system, with 2 - 6 speakers.

Does anyone know the rules on this? Or where I can find out?

I'm in Texas.

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