Can I post a case for Review?

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New Member
I have a friend who used to be an ADA in New Mexico. Albuquerque to be exact.

He handled a case involving dirty cops. It never went to trial or anything. This case
is about twenty-years old. He wants to post this case and get feedback. It involves
murder which has no statute of limitations.

I don't personally need legal advise. I only joined to post this case. I thought I would
ask if such a thing is allowed.

Thank You:)
I'd be very careful posting specifics about the case.

Why not post a synopsis changing the names to protect the innocent, guilty , or perpetrators?
I'd be very careful posting specifics about the case.

Why not post a synopsis changing the names to protect the innocent, guilty , or perpetrators?

Thank you for the advise. I already thought of being careful what I post and divulge. I guess my next question
is which area of the law does it fall under? It involves alleged dirty cops, drug trafficking, coercing a judge,
and alleged hired hit.
Thank you for the advise. I already thought of being careful what I post and divulge. I guess my next question
is which area of the law does it fall under? It involves alleged dirty cops, drug trafficking, coercing a judge,
and alleged hired hit.

What do you want to post the case for? Is it for a feature article? Is it just for comment and discussion? We are going to have a law journal section shortly which might be a good place if it's "article worthy." It can also be pushed to the journal as well so if you create a forum article, that works too.

I'm actually revising the entire forum tonight - yes tonight. The best section will probably be either in:

TV, News & Politics
General Chat
Another section I don't recall and will post later. :)
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