Can I sign a document with V.C. (Vi Coactus) after my name, instead of before?

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In the US, writing VC after your name does NOT mean that you are the holder of the Victoria Cross, so the entire discussion is moot.
Putting 'VC' after your name indicates that you are a holder of the Victoria Cross, the UK's supreme award for valour, equivalent to the Congressional Medal of Honour.

As far as the Medal of Honor is concerned nothing is it's equivalent.
It stands alone as the highest decoration an American military service member can receive for serving a grateful nation.

If a private were to receive it, a four star General would be required to salute the person wearing the decoration.

The medal is normally presented to the recipient by the President of the United States in the name of the U.S. Congress.

The medal is presented "in the name of Congress", it is often referred to erroneously as the "Congressional Medal of Honor".

However, the official name of the decoration is "Medal of Honor".
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