California Can I stay on my parents insurance past age 26

Anna Loboda

New Member
I know that at this age is when you get taken off your parents insurance, but are there cases where exceptions can be made?
I know that at this age is when you get taken off your parents insurance, but are there cases where exceptions can be made?

There MIGHT be LIMITED exceptions made for certain people with diseases, injuries, or illnesses that are incapacitating such that a person is permanently disabled or those born with certain conditions that cause them unable to become self supporting or to live independently.

I suggest you ask one or both of your parental units to seek an answer applicable to you and your situation from their health insurer.

An option is AVAILABLE (to some) in your state is the infamous "Medi-Cal", read all about below \/ :

Medi-Cal: Provider Home Page
There are limited exceptions which CAN be made. There are no situations where exceptions MUST be made.

Unless the 26 year old is disabled to the point of being incapable of self-care, the chances of an exception being made hover around zero. It will be entirely up to the insurance carrier, who will require extensive medical records sent directly from the doctor. And I don't know about other parts of the country, but the major insurance carriers in this region require that the process be started before the 26th birthday.

Exceptions ARE made - I've seen them. But ONLY under the circumstances I've outlined.

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