Super Moderator
North Carolina DOES have cohabitation laws regarding alimony because it realizes spousal support should end once finances are commingled with a paramour.
You're not actually reading the statutes, are you?
Because the answer to that comment can be yes and no.
Alimony could be denied if the dependent spouse had a sexual relationship prior to the separation and/or divorce.
After the separation and/or divorce it could be adjusted or eliminated because of changes in the ex's financial condition which might or might not have anything to do with living with the boyfriend.
I'm not trying to be snide here, but please read the statutes so the next time you make a comment, it's relatively accurate.
Start with 50-16.1A and keep reading until the end of the alimony sections.
Meantime, it looks like you may have several grounds on which to petition the court to overturn the agreement and deny or adjust the alimony.
1 - Marital misconduct - You alluded to domestic abuse.
2 - Flaws in the agreement.
3 - Changes in her financial condition.
Whether you can actually succeed in getting relief from the agreement is anybody's guess but now is the time for you to petition the court for a review and a remedy.
You can search for sample petitions online or hire an attorney.
Beyond that, I'm not sure I see where anybody here can be of further help to you.