can I sue for breach of contract?

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Several months ago I designed and sewed costumes for a late-night television karaoke program. As well as paying me for them, the producer promised to include me in the credits as costume designer for all the shows. Of course, he didn't even put me in one! This was a verbal agreement, unfortunately. I have emailed him several times asking him what happened and he has completely ignored me, both in person when I ask and in the emails. This last time he sent me an email ordering me not to either contact him or come to his karaoke shows (actually for a reason unrelated to this question). Can I sue him for breach of contract? Admittedly I wouldn't be considering this but for the verbal abuse he has subjected me to in his last email to me.
Thanks to anyone who can answer this conundrum!
I am sure this question was answered before!

TheLaw Supreme Court Justice Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: New York City
Posts: 848

well, basically you have to ask yourself two questions:

1) How can you prove that this agreement exists if the opposing party will deny this?

2) What damage have you suffered, how can your prove that, and therefore what would the remedy be you are asking for?

The second question will be pretty important, because a lawsuit only makes sense if you have suffered damage and have a realistic hope that a court can provide a remedy.
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I'm pretty sure we can sue for anything in the United States...the question is, do you have a case & if you can win....Muggsyi lays out the basic questions to ask yourself pretty well. :)
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