Can I sue for someone falsly acussing me of copyright infringement?

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I have been falsely accused of copyright infringement on the website youtube

The video in question was for a contest of which I was winning at the time of accusation. I filled out the counter paperwork saying that it was my material and now the contest is over and of course I have lost due to the fact that the video is still offline.

The contest was for a computer that I put together with much consideration online worth $1500.00. The video took me about a month of planning, recording and editing. Not only has the time and money been taken away from me but also in place of my video there has been a notification for all to see saying that my video has been removed do to copyright infringement, making me feel like a criminal when I had done nothing wrong.

Link to video in question is below:
(Cannot link since I am a new member... sorry)

I have the legal form he filed with youtube
Below is some of the information:

"Title of copyrighted work being performed: My entire video has
been stolen off my computer by my friend and he wont take it down.

oType of copyrighted work: Stolen and used for himself.

Country where copyright applies: CA

I, in good faith state that:

* I am the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner
of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
* I have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the
manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent,
or the law; and
* This notification is accurate.
* I acknowledge that there may be adverse legal consequences for
making false or bad faith allegations of copyright infringement by using
this process.
* I understand that abuse of this tool will result in termination of
my YouTube account.

Authorized Signature: (Name withheld due to privacy but I have it in my possession)"

The video in question is none of his work, it is my voice talking about a computer build... The music being used is even public domain pre-1930s...

Is there any legal action that can be taken?
I appreciate your time in advance,
Blakely Neal Jones
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Yes, I have the name address and phone number...

I am just not sure if legally I can do this and I have no idea the likelihood of winning/time it takes to get it through the system...
If that person lives near you, take them to small claims court. At the very least it may give you satisfaction even if not all the money you might have won.
Damages, hmm

1.) 1,500.00 that I would have won from the contest
2.) Time and effort put forth in planning and making the video (about a month)
3.) I feel that this person has made me wrongfully look like a criminal to the youtube community so defamation is a possibility.

All in all I truly feel that this person owes me all of that back. My video was in first place and looked like it was going to stay that way. with 3200ish likes and 5200ish views!

Taken down without my approval!

Would something like this work out for me or am I wasting time trying to get these things back?
You are assuming that you would have won. You don't really have any damages.

The answer to your questions lies within You Tube's terms of service that you agreed to. The person that reported your video is not necessarily who you should be concerned with, but with You Tube itself. They have great discretion over the content that they host on their site.

Personally, I think you are wasting your time on this argument.
1. This is not damages and mightymoose notes
2. Again not damages
3. Looking like a "criminal" (I disagree) in manner you describe does not equate to damages as well

Youtube does not randomly remove content (my husband has had content removed) they need cause. A simple report would not likely suffice as good cause without proof. However youtube has an appeal process use it.
well, I can see what you mean but I would feel that I shouldnt have been put through all this B.S. when I have done nothing wrong... So legally he has done nothing wrong for me to receive any reimbursement?

I guess I feel that he did something wrong and I feel hopeless and made into a victim...
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