Can I sue for this?

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Ok heres the story.

I work for a well respected retailer part of a higher education institution. Anyways, lately there have been numerous thefts at the store. A few days ago, a coworker and I were eating our lunch in the employee lounge. Afterwords, as we walked to the stairs to go back to work, we walked by the office for the man in charge of security and notice through a crack in the blinds that the lights are on. Since this was a weekend, and that office is suppose to be closed on weekends (hasn't been open on weekends for 5 years that I've worked there), we thought someone might have broken in. So we look through the crack and notice the weekend manager in there masterbating (in someone elses office and we still don't know how he got access to that room - only one person really has access to it!). Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I really don't want to see this at work. Now I can't get the image of it out of my head and its driving me nuts. My question is can I sue for emotional distress? If I can, my guess is they would want to settle as this establishment is well respected and would not want this to get into the media. Also, if I do sue, can they fire me?

ps. I guess this is a civil case (if it is a case at all), so I wasn't sure where to post this. Sorry if its the wrong section.
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You want to sue them for this and expect a substantial money judgment? Reporting the incident would be the appropriate thing to do. If you are talking about a substantial settlement, some might argue that you are someone looking for a payday. You should consider the fact that the media might target you this way and ridicule your claim that his has caused you "severe" emotional distress. Additionally, you may have a difficult burden proving the elements of your case to show that the company is responsible... for starters.
Ok heres the story.

I work for a well respected retailer part of a higher education institution. Anyways, lately there have been numerous thefts at the store. A few days ago, a coworker and I were eating our lunch in the employee lounge. Afterwords, as we walked to the stairs to go back to work, we walked by the office for the man in charge of security and notice through a crack in the blinds that the lights are on. Since this was a weekend, and that office is suppose to be closed on weekends (hasn't been open on weekends for 5 years that I've worked there), we thought someone might have broken in. So we look through the crack and notice the weekend manager in there masterbating (in someone elses office and we still don't know how he got access to that room - only one person really has access to it!). Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I really don't want to see this at work. Now I can't get the image of it out of my head and its driving me nuts. My question is can I sue for emotional distress? If I can, my guess is they would want to settle as this establishment is well respected and would not want this to get into the media. Also, if I do sue, can they fire me?

ps. I guess this is a civil case (if it is a case at all), so I wasn't sure where to post this. Sorry if its the wrong section.

Just for reference, here are the elements needed to for emotional distress:

1. Extreme and outrageous conduct had occurred.
2. This results in SEVERE emotional distress for you.
3. The act in question exceeds the bounds of decency.
4. Indignity or annoyance is NOT enough to claim emotional distress.
John, did you have any damages?
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